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if you don't have the 5K to finance a deal like you describe it you won't even have the money to upgrade to mentor group!
Lower tier group packages are 65 to 95 per month. I could upgrade but simply have no reason to.
Kinda seems like you just wanted to shill your membership

You can easily get 100 to 150 customers from here with packages ranging from 5K to 10K that have the money and ready to spend it on something useful

I don't have a package to sell. Not interested in getting 100-150 customers on here. I was looking for one investor in which I found a local one that did due diligence and saw value in the deal.

He'll be paid out accordingly and didn't waste time being like "tHiS iS a ScAm bEcAuSe iT cOuLd bE".

ready to spend it on something useful and not a scam.

Still trying to figure out why people are insinuating this is a scam.

I was looking for an investor for a 5k investment on a property worth like 70-80k so I wouldn't have to pull 5k out of other investments/positions I have.

On a forum that has to do with making money, investments, fund allocation, tax structures, etc etc etc, I have no clue why I'm getting singled out here

It is not the 5K alone, but if you are able to fool 10 or 50 people here for 5K each t would make sense to start such a thread.

You could say this about any of the packages/services sold on here you f*cking muppet

It is not the 5K alone, but if you are able to fool 10 or 50 people here for 5K each t would make sense to start such a thread.

Okay. So could this not be done with someone offering a different service, investment, or product at a higher price point, even in your mentor group? Again, not sure why people are ganging up on me here

Your proposal is simply not looking real!
I agree with the reactions you got, this sounds like a way to try to scam people.

I'm sure you have very valid, solid, and legitimate reasons as to why "it doesn't look real", whatever that means. I'd love to hear specifically and exactly what reasons you have to call this a "scam" or "not real".

It seems like the foundation of your argument and accusation is based on assumptions and has no basis in reality. You're basically saying "oh this COULD be a scam because this person could raise 5k from a bunch of people". You could say that about literally any service, product, or investment on this forum or on the planet.

Again, I was looking for one investor for 5k. If 5k is such a small amount why are people crying on my thread

I have other things to focus on. I'm not sure why I'm even wasting time replying to some f*ggot with James Hetfield as their profile pic

Can't wait for my response and this thread to be deleted.
My friend, you need 5K ? I don't have them but here you can get them in minutes
V funny
Guys, just because you missed out on the PayPal ARS deal, you don't need to make fun of others. You better learn proper German before you post your nullshit here. PayPal money generator is real.
Ein Leser der Boulevardzeitung Bild berichtete, dass er 1000 Euro über die Freunde-Funktion von Paypal an seine Frau überwiesen hatte und dafür nur 600 Euro abgebucht wurden.
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Walk into your bank and make a loan for the 5K you need, that simple, no investor needed.
I'm wondering, what's your explanation for needing to borrow $5,000 from someone when you have hundreds of thousands, or even a million, in investments?

Can you explain it briefly?

1.) Not wanting to liquidate/touch positions for multiple reasons (investment strategy, cap allocation/mgmt, out of principal, etc)
Avoiding specifics since this a public forum.

2.) I prefer to work with private money/investors for RE investments. As opposed to more "traditional" sources (banks, loans, hard money). Sometimes I make exceptions for larger amounts depending on the deal, but again, for this I only needed 5k and it didn't make sense to pull from somewhere else.

+ I'd rather work with an investor that will know and understand the deal, where we have the potential to work together on RE and other opportunities in the future. Vs getting a loan or putting 5k on a credit card.

Connections are everything. And let's be honest: Is your banker going to have the same connections, be as interesting, or have the same experience / background as someone on OCT? ..Probably not, but then again some of you may be banking with Ulrich Körner so who knows

3.) Can ≠ Should

It's funny, people are responding as if I don't have 5k. I have 5k. But having something doesn't mean anything. It's an independent variable. It's stored energy that can be used. This doesn't mean it should be used.

For example, let's say:

• I can utilize a HELOC on a rental property that I own - but this makes no sense for 5k
• I can take 5k out of a bank account I own - but I don't want to utilize 5k from that account
• I can sell X amount of shares of $ABC for the 5k - but I don't want to sell
• I can go into the bank and get a loan for 5k - but I simply don't want to

All in all, people on this forum are painting pretty broad brush strokes and making accusations over someone's financial position/strategies/principals/preferences/resources that they know absolutely nothing about.
There’s no good explanation for why you’re here asking for a $5,000 investment. That amount is pocket change for serious investors who usually invest in companies, making it uninteresting for them. At the same time, it’s too much for small time opportunists who can barely afford to feed their families.

Then there are all those in between who can clearly see that your explanation simply doesn’t add up. It’s obvious that your real goal is to get as many people as possible to "lend" or "invest" $5,000 with you, only for you to eventually tell them, "Sorry bro, we lost it all," while you sit in Dubai making a YouTube video throwing money around.

This is clearly a SCAM, nothing more.

With all the explanations you’ve given in this thread, you’ve already exposed yourself.
Guys. What is wrong here? I am also not interested in High-Risk-SEO services but I also don't comment on all those offers. Nobody is forcing you to enter into business with Vince. Just leave it uncommented if you are not interested. Anyway. If you need 1k in case real quick, PM me.
Hold on there a minute.

If someone makes a request for an amount like $5k, in the manner that they did - I think people are absolutely right to be sceptical and to ask questions.

Questions were asked, for example, why not go to the bank? credit card? savings?

The response was "I have the cash, but don't want to use it. I don't use credit cards. I simply don't want to take a loan."

I'm sorry, but I think criticism is absoutely valid here in lieu of a better explanation from the OP
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