Sorry but that is stupid. You could have copy of the seed and recreate the wallet elsewhere and double spend. Its huge risk for the other side, not to mention inefficient when you can just 1 click send to his address.
@Frank in Bangkok , do you see what I mean by the absence of high trust nowadays?
What's the remedy for this?

Can you imagine if I bring someone who thinks this way to a "HIGH-TRUST group?"

It was mentioned here:
Hawala Provider
To answer
@PinkCat now...
We have already discussed HIGH-TRUST cultures here! And "cultures" are NOT limited to ethnicity, race, religion, or whatnot. It's about a particular type of individual and his mentality!
I was going to go into a lecture, but why? It will all fall on deaf ears! This is something parents should teach their children when they are infants.
I'm NOT going to go into what WILL, unequivocally, happen to me if I try to pull off what you mentioned.

Needless to say, it will NOT involve cops, lawyers, prosecutors, judges, courts, or any other useless and unproductive man-made fantasies to extract value from men who produce.

---------------- upbringing...
If I did that, and my parents found out (and they will), my OWN parents would "send" me back to where I came from. No doubt! I still have a scar from when I was a kid, and there was a rumor some white kid (we were less than 0.5% of the population back then in that country) "stole" some grapes from a tree in someone's backyard. I won't get into the details of what my French/British mom did to me, but I would rather hang out at Guantanamo being waterboarded than have to go through that again.

On a f*cking RUMOR! Luckily for me, a very astute German lady, a psychiatrist, quickly jumped in to discover that some of the locals just wanted the parents of the white kids to punish & beat them for something that NEVER happened!
Bruuuuhhhhh... had Frau Hildegard (RIP) NOT done that, by the time my dad arrived home from the oil fields, I would have been history!
I was six at that time!
Actions of the "HIGH-TRUST group/society" are primarily based on the concept of "What We Owe To Each Other."
I am at a COMPLETE LOSS of how to explain ethics and moral philosophy to anyone! I've had to study that from a young age and don't even have to think about it anymore. It comes naturally to me.
On the topic of "What We Owe To Each Other," the best I can suggest is reading the works of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).
In summary, my business is based on 100% trust! There are ZERO contracts!
(1) Sometimes, I ship millions of "Kuwaiti Dinars"
(have to point to a neutral currency to keep the leeches at bay 
) in merchandise to my buyers. My buyers can tell me to go f*ck myself after they receive it. It has NEVER happened in +4 decades. This is the HIGH-TRUST society Mr.
@Frank in Bangkok was alluding to.
(2) Sometimes, my clients send me millions in "
crypto" (used to be wire transfers, but the cabal is hellbent on ending competition now) to manufacture or purchase products for them. A person devoid of integrity and honesty could "hallucinate" about doing a rug pull, but that thought has NEVER crossed my mind. Like I said, my parents would be so disappointed in me...and they both are already resting in peace, but I have a conscience, and I refuse to be another POS.
That market is heavily saturated.