Bah! sucks. The Swiss don't want our money...
I disagree. It's all about money and cover story.
If you -want- and CH bank account, it depends on who you are, where you are from and what you bring to the table.
If you live in FR/DE/AT/IT it is very easy to get an account. If you life elsewhere you have to have a good cover story (and some money and a 'idea' of growing that money with the CH bank). *the world is in flux, the next crisis is on our doorsteps, you want a safe heaven for you money with a prudent and safe bank, ergo a swiss bank* Do not bull s**t to much. Make a list of your trier 1 and tier 2 banks. Spend a week in Switzerland, test your story with the Tier 2 banks, see what questions they have and answer those questions already in your pitch to the Tier 1 banks. (Make you look professional, it's what the Swiss like)
Do not focus on Zurich, but try local banks and branches of UBS/CS.
CA/Next, CH/FR/DE residents only.
The below banks are open to non-resident account openings (If you have less than 25K CHF no need to apply):
Schaffhauser Kantonalbank
Glarner KB
Sparkasse Egelsberg (now Sparkasse Schwyz, donno their current status)
St Galler KB
Zuricher Landbank (not ZKB, they are arrogant assholes
You can also hop over to Germany and open a CH account at a German sparkasse. Cheap access to CH payment infra.
Giro swiss - Ihr Girokonto in Schweizer Franken - Sparkasse Hochrhein (e1,90)
You need to make an appointment and visit them in person (no walk-ins, it is Germany!