Europe has been the major consumer of the world for ages. With the purchasing power becoming lower and lower, and with legislation becoming more strict and less liberal, this power that Europe holds will be lost in a few years. UK is leaving and most probably with no-deal. France is becoming one of the most dangerous countries to live in (due to extremely open-doors policy). Industry, although there is huge money being thrown at it by EU (due to its members own contributions), it is not sustainable by itself on the long run.
On the other end, China already has the biggest middle-class in the world (the one that moves the economy forward). United States will remain strong because of their huge capacity of making turn-overs so quick, and flourishing from the ground in just 1/10 of the time the other economies do.
So, yes, the prospects are not good for entrepreneurs in Europe. It will be a very nice continent for the ones that are used to live on the back of the others taxes. With few freedom and a standard boring life.
In a few words, a socialist place ran by capitalist politicians. You will fatrt and even that will be traced back to your anus.