When you get your LLC treated as a C-corp you basically satisfy points 2 and 3, right?It will be tax evasion.
Tax planning will be reached if following will be reached:
1. Portugal Tax Haven Blacklist.
2. Foreign Companies from where dividend comes have effective tax on dividends.
3. Central management and control will not be in Portugal.
After considering all this, tax can be planned.
What do you mean with the point 1?
Here you're basically suggesting to evade taxes in the most illegal way. Moreover, this way you're suggesting doesn't allow you to get that money on a personal level.
Important: what about your yearly personal tax return you should file in Portugal? This way, you would be a NHR individual that does not file a tax return because you don't have any personal income, right? Isn't this a little bit suspicious, given that you are NHR but you don't have any kind of personal income to declare?