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PErsonal offshore bank account, how please?

It is the same way as if you open a corporate bank account, copy of passport and utility bill is all what is needed. Just bear in mind, you don't have any protection nor privacy when doing it this way. At least not with the majority of offshore banks.
Only way is to have a offshore company to open the account. That's much better also in regards to tax avoidance or reductions in case your country has signed any TIEA!
Best for me is to renew my company or wait and register a new offshore company when I have money to do so right?
YES - Don't ever open a private offshore account if you want to avoid your personal data exchanged in any stupid OECD program. You always want to have a company behind you and doing business, so open offshore accounts on behalf of you. If you speak to a local tax lawyer he will be able to help you setup a structure that comply to the OECD laws and local Tax laws and you will still get great tax reduction if done right.

You can't do that if you open a personal offshore account. That would bring all red lights ON at your local tax office once they find out you have an account there.
I don't say it is the only option but it tis one of the options possible to anonymize your entire setup.
A personal account could be useful if you are monitored by your tax office, so you show them this personal offshore account and the transactions made there from which you have paid tax.
If I want a personal account in some offshore country because I receive money from my offshore company's bank account would this be the same insecure solution?
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