Personal credit cards?

No , but thanks for the kind offer .
If anybody wants to join, I can add up to 7 dudes. It will cost 550+7*75 USD total, that's just 153 USD per person and year for unlimited lounges for you and two hot girls you found in the airport.

Hurry guys, there aren't many spots left. The ones on my last card filled up too fast.
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Are you certain that you can't apply with Amex (at least Germany) directly anymore?

I applied for a German Amex Platinum 3-4 years ago directly with them and I remember they really didn't ask me for a lot of information.

I neither live in Germany and never had any issues with them so far, they charge direct debit from a German bank account once a month. You can also wire your outstanding amount to a SEPA EUR Account AFAIK within the "deadline". (EUR obv.)

With the "GERMAN" version you can use priority pass access 50 times a year & you can get a "partner" card which also has the access to priority pass.
Have you used a German address when applying?

I think he tried any they declined after they found out they he did not live there.

I see, you can use any address you want as long as you (or someone you might know) have access to it when you collect your card. After that, you'll only get advertising or promotional items from Amex anyway.

I think when it comes to FX there are certainly better cards than Amex, and the concierge service is actually worth it with Centurion status.
Reactions: daniels27
I fly a maximum of 1 hour nationally in Spain and it would be a waste of money to spend an extra €200 or more just for that.
Then you have much bigger problems than lounge access
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