I want something that once the payment is sent, there is 0 chance of someone doing a chargeback or filing a dispute. What would you guys suggest? :tinysmile_twink_t2:
As long as you swipe your credit card throught some service, you will have chargebacks / disputes, so don't waste your time by looking for something that don't exists.
Btw. if you find a solution like this, keep it as a secret
As long as you're running a legitimate business, why would you NOT want the "hassle" of chargebacks or disputes? You can't have a legitimate business without those. I must say your question made me think, " Is this person selling pipe dreams or snake oils?":
I don’t think that what you are asking for even exist. It impossible not to have a charge back since they are giving you some service, it is just natural that they will get something in return for their service.
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