Pavel Durov Arrested France

Seems France doing what the US failed to do
That guy going to Western sh1tholes is mindboggling to me!
I don't give AFF what "lawyers" tell him (or me)...if you don't have a nuclear weapon in your arsenal capable of being launched and decimating your captors, you are 100% f*cked!

PS. Those who have been in the battle and paid attention KNOW this 100%!
Why you guys talk about him like some kind of criminal wanted by fbi??
Such a genius entrepreneur! He is well respected in uae. Why didn't uae arrest him?
Then people ask why everyone is fed up from europe and coming to dubai lol
AFAIK durov kept telegram privacy oriented app but europe does not like it
I wonder what will happen now to telegram app
Wait and observe if the DOJ puts out a indictment now.
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US usually waits till the fish is caught in a barrel (overseas) or on US Soil at the airport.

Different approach to domestically based US Citizens
All of this is because he built a free app with privacy and didn't share data with government???
I keep hearing about freedom of speech only when I watch tv but in real life I don't really see it
what is the crime? Allowing free speech ?
The new favourite "Terrorism Related"

Alongside the old favourite "Money Laundering".

All of this is because he built a free app with privacy and didn't share data with government???
I keep hearing about freedom of speech only when I watch tv but in real life I don't really see it
Having had experience with the Gov and Snoopers Charter, its all a mirage.

Only way to have privacy is to go off the grid, and produce from within (farming etc) as everything from cars, to roads, to stores is all recorded now.
I'm going to answer this because we have spoken, and you are a good-hearted guy with a LOT of good qualities, my friend!

Why you guys talk about him like some kind of criminal wanted by fbi??
Hey..."you guys" are too many people, my friend! I love (in a non-romantic way) Pavel Durov! The man is a LEGEND! (and he can scrap, too, so much #respect).
Such a genius entrepreneur! He is well respected in uae. Why didn't uae arrest him?
100%! UAE is NOT the West! Most Westerners don't realize that the corporatism (NOT capitalism) they like so much is NOT for them, and they are NOT in that group! It's like cheating wives....husband is usually the last one to find out.
Then people ask why everyone is fed up from europe and coming to dubai lol
You answered it yourself! You are wide awake!
AFAIK durov kept telegram privacy oriented app but europe does not like it
Entitled LOSERS (most self-appointed, unproductive, and useless gang members under the ruse of government ) want complete control over their slaves, like it! Telegram was (or still is) NOT allowed in China, for example....this is for those who think we're "anti-West"...We're anti-control regardless of skin color or ideology or "ism" or race or ethnicity!
Reading a lot about mental illnesses, one starts to realize that most low-IQ people think in "general groups."
The key is to NOT fall into this "group thinking."
Separate an act or behavior from an indoctrinated generality.

Let me explain better: If my mother (RIP; the best person in my family) tells me to marry a French/British girl, Félicie, (with a HUGE body count or some other repulsive trait (to me) I wouldn't want or choose), because she is educated, white, French/British (like Mom), has her own money, comes from a good family, is nice to my mom, is Christian, etc etc... I am NOT going to do it! My mom is choosing Félicie based on my mom's values and preferences! If my mom liked her so much, my mom should marry her. Mom didn't like my answers, but at age 100, she realized that in the long term, those were the correct ones.
This is ANALogous (yeah, I do this on purpose because people are getting spiritually sodomized by well-meaning but ignorant "friends and family") to my mom choosing an outfit for me based on HER values and preferences. Can you imagine me in a summer dress 8 sizes too small and a pair of high-heel Louboutins 9 sizes too small? You get the picture!
I wonder what will happen now to telegram app
Nothing...if the developers stay on track developing, especially if they are spread worldwide. If they are concentrated in one bldg....well, the bldg. might implode!
This is why Decentralization is so essential, for example, #Bitcoin and #Monero. Tough to target the unknowns! Being (in)famous = being dead!

Why they didn't indict him before the arrest? I don't think durov him self knew he is going to be arrested . It feels like kidnap lol
Because they don't have the code, yet!
It IS kidnapping!
If they had the code, his plane would have fallen out of the sky!

All of this is because he built a free app with privacy and didn't share data with government???
I keep hearing about freedom of speech only when I watch tv but in real life I don't really see it
Yes! 100% YES!
Ask all those African leaders who the West murdered! This isn't that hard to understand!


I'll post a "convo" with a buddy/lawyer here... I'll translate it first as it is in a different language and I have to sanitize it. I'll make a new thread. It will help the somnambulists on this forum to WAKE the F*** UP!
People think most of members here who moved to dubai just to evade taxes
This is not true!
We moved to dubai for ease of doing business
Can you setup company + bank account in 7 days like dubai anywhere else ?
What you get with us llc or some cyprus company? Some low tier emi in eastern Europe vs retail banking with uae state bank. I have seen many people who left their jobs in EU and moved to dubai for better opportunities.
Usa dream is over but dubai dream is possible. I don't mind paying 10% taxes to gov but in exchange I want top notch business environment.

I have a legit question:
Why not arrest Zuckerberg too ?
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Reactions: JohnLocke and jafo
Why not arrest Zuckerberg too ?
- You KNOW you are killing me here, right?

You are NOT paying attention. FOCUS! Do you need to call me so I can explain or will you be able to extrapolate from the following?

This is why NOBODY will arrest Zuckerberg (and I don't want them either.... my stock price is going to the sh1tter if they's self-serving...I'm NOT going to hide or lie about it. Hate the game...NOT the player!)




Got it now?

PS. How many institutional investors, I², does Telegram have? All that money goes into Pavel's pockets and those of his buddies. No Western politician or I² gets ANY share of that loot!
Pavel's existence and that of Telegram have hurt WhatsApp (META), the politicians, and its Institutional Investors like a Testicular Torsion!
Come on my friend it is very innocent question they both are competitors who run messaging app
Reactions: JohnLocke and jafo
I don't mind paying 10% taxes to gov but in exchange I want top notch business environment.
Famous last words before it ends.

> I dont mind paying 5% taxes to gov but in exchange I want top notch business environment.
Few years later:
> I dont mind paying 10% taxes to gov but in exchange I want top notch business environment.
Few years later:
> I dont mind paying 20% taxes to gov but in exchange I want top notch business environment.
Come on my friend it is very innocent question they both are competitors who run messaging app
True, but we OWN (I presume you do, too) stocks in META...along with every other dirty/corrupt Western (and non-Western) politician and Institutional Investor (e.g., Blackrock, State Street, JP Morgan, Vanguard, etc.). I've earned about €100K in (total) dividends from META. (~€8K/year). The stock value has increased by +3000% (yes, three thousand percent) since I bought it.

Compare that to Telegram... I've earned negative from Telegram because I buy their premium services

META ≠ Telegram.
I'm NOT a fan of the MAFIA, state, or corporatism, but META earns us money. Telegram does not.

(1) Arresting Zuckerberg is like burning down our farm.
(2) Arresting Pavel Durov is like burning down our competitor's farm!

If I had to vote, I'd vote for #1
No shame!
Even if I had shame, what can I do? It's NOT like META, the state mafia, or the institutional investors care what I think!

Geroge Carlin (RIP) has been preaching these things since the '70s (my mom made me watch it)
Hats off! You pick side with good rather than money
i was reading about Durov today, he got france + uae citizenship. What's gonna happen next? What's coming is so exciting for me.. I wish him free!

I'm still following news
Durov faces possible indictment on Sunday, according to French media.
He could face up to 20 years in jail
W* t* f ???
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