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Panama, Hong Kong or other offshore jurisdiction whats now the best?

Panama, Hong Kong or other offshore jurisdiction whats now the best?

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A Cyprus and Seychelles company both worked perfect for me.... took some time to get it all sorted out but now I'm happy.
My vote for 2011 and the question to where to incorporate a Offshore company in 2011 goes to the Seychelles!

So Why do I vote for the Seychelles?

As discussed many times on this forum, a critical factor in misusing corporate vehicles (offshore companies) is the potential of anonymity. Not surprisingly, therefore, the type of corporate vehicles that are misused most frequently are those that provide the greatest degree of anonymity i.e. Seychelles, Panama, Belize, BVI, Jersey st.kiits and so forth and such as international business corporations (IBCs), exempt companies, trusts, and foundations established in jurisdictions that offer a high degree of secrecy and which do not maintain effective mechanims that would enable their authorities to identify the true owners when illicit activity is suspected.

Jurisdictions like Panama, st.Kiits, Jersey and the BVI do not count as such jurisdictions any longer since they have take measures to make corporations, IBC's, foundations and trusts transparent in order for any authority to rveal ful owner information.
I don't mind of any "reputation" problems or what my customers will say if they think they find my service good they can by from my Seychelles company (once I decided to incorporate such) or not :)
I hava had a BVI company for almost 8 years and never found it to be complicated nor has my identity been exposed or any tax man has tried hunting me down!
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