@avalanche sending money to the UAE is no problem normally if you have a valid invoice and the company looks like it has substance, so they need at least webpage which explains what they do. The EU Bank may ask for this. The Mail they will send you will normally look like this :
Hope you are well.
Please provide us with the following information for the below transaction:
10XXXXXX9 at xXX for the amount of XXXXXX0.00 EUR.
1.The complete and precise economic purpose of the transaction, including a description of the underlying goods/services/technologies
2.A copy of the invoice(s) or any other probative document(s) related to the transaction
3.Complete identification of all involved parties, their activities and existence of (recurrent) business with this/these counterparty(ies)
4.Are the goods, services and technologies subject to direct or indirect military/repression use? If so, please explain. Please submit any probative document(s) if applicable.
5.Are the goods or services subject to "dual-use" as regard to the list of items considered by European authorities? If so, please explain.
6.Is the transaction related in any way to financing? If so, please explain
Please send this information at your earliest convenience but if we can have this by Thursday xxxx9, that would be appreciated.
The On-Boarding Team
So if you can provide all this you won't have problems at all. Maybe they check Dubai transactions a little more detailed (because they are watchlisted
http://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/147404/7 - 01 EPRS-Briefing-621872-Listing-tax-havens-by-the-EU-FINAL.PDF ), but I never had a declined transaction to Dubai. Just sometimes declined transaction from Dubai to somewhere else. But there was always a solution for this. If you have an EU company you may be subjected to tax audits from time to time if you transfer money to these watch-listed countries. Keep this in mind. So you have to make some effort to make it "look legal" .