Some good incentives of Lebanese offshorr cosWhat are Lebanese companies good for? Any tax incentives or something?
Some good incentives of Lebanese offshorr cosWhat are Lebanese companies good for? Any tax incentives or something?
Lebanese Offshore companies are exempt from CIT and from the WHT on dividends and are instead subject to a lump-sum annual tax of LBP 50 million (~500 EUR). Contracts related to offshore activities outside Lebanon are exempt from Lebanese stamp duty.What are Lebanese companies good for? Any tax incentives or something?
How easy is it to do banking for a Lebanese company? Is Lebanon currently in any blacklist or restriction?Lebanese Offshore companies are exempt from CIT and from the WHT on dividends and are instead subject to a lump-sum annual tax of LBP 50 million (~500 EUR). Contracts related to offshore activities outside Lebanon are exempt from Lebanese stamp duty.
Well one thing for sure you don't want to bank locally in Lebanon.How easy is it to do banking for a Lebanese company? Is Lebanon currently in any blacklist or restriction?
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