I apologize. Upon revisiting the subject, I see the confusion I caused.I must admit that I've never met WARP Cloudflare before (I did not need anything like this). I've skipped quickly through their webpage and I am rather confused – a lot of corporate bulls**t (“ with WARP replaces the connection between your device and the Internet with a modern, optimized, protocol.”) but no protocol description, technical information, licence information etc. It seems to be closed-source. Would you mind pointing to some trustworthy (technical!) review, audit, etc.? (It's not a fun to route all your traffic via something...)
What I meant is this: I also use Cloudflare on my websites. Because of this, I recommend my buyers and suppliers to access my website using WARP Cloudflare client. It really only works great (in my humble opinion) if the website also uses the Cloudflare system.
I read about it a while back and I was able to trace the beginning of my research to the developers' site:
About Cloudflare WARP · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs