My source of income is from trading futures, stocks, options with my own capital including prop firms. Excluding cash fx, crypto.
Wanna create an offshore company to reduce or completelly erase income tax and tax from dividends.
Still didnt decide, if offshore outside or inside of EU.
I wanna create llc with one person basically, corporate account and personal account in that country to withdraw profit and will lease a property or address at least there.
- Wonder, if I ll not have the residency there and will legally withdraw clean money to my personal acc in offshore country but its in crs group, if there could be problems with tax office of country, where I ve residency?
I am not quite sure, if I ll ve there llc with address, if I could use that address to make personal acc or will have to use address of my residence.
- Based on previous question, should I perhaps look for offshore countries with tax benefits outside of crs group?
- Hypothetically, I ll have also a llc (single person) in EU with some income that I dont wanna reach certain threshold because income tax would increase. Could I perhaps provide a service from my offshore company to reduce income in EU llc and tax it basically in offshore company?
PLS provide me some tips, advices, if u see any lets say red flags that could appear...
My source of income is from trading futures, stocks, options with my own capital including prop firms. Excluding cash fx, crypto.
Wanna create an offshore company to reduce or completelly erase income tax and tax from dividends.
Still didnt decide, if offshore outside or inside of EU.
I wanna create llc with one person basically, corporate account and personal account in that country to withdraw profit and will lease a property or address at least there.
- Wonder, if I ll not have the residency there and will legally withdraw clean money to my personal acc in offshore country but its in crs group, if there could be problems with tax office of country, where I ve residency?
I am not quite sure, if I ll ve there llc with address, if I could use that address to make personal acc or will have to use address of my residence.
- Based on previous question, should I perhaps look for offshore countries with tax benefits outside of crs group?
- Hypothetically, I ll have also a llc (single person) in EU with some income that I dont wanna reach certain threshold because income tax would increase. Could I perhaps provide a service from my offshore company to reduce income in EU llc and tax it basically in offshore company?
PLS provide me some tips, advices, if u see any lets say red flags that could appear...