@Davis123 Maybe you should be our OCT man in Dubai.
I regularly travel to Dubai to set up structures for clients and it will range from 5K to 15K for a company and then upto 100K if I am setting up an investment company to take clients deposits. A RAK ICC is very cheap but that is purely Offshore and you cant do business in UAE. Approximately 3000 per annum but no residency and a nightmare to open a bank account. I found it easier to open a Mauritius bank account than a UAE one for a RAK ICC.
Renewal is easy but make sure your not late in processing I would say do it anywhere from before 2 weeks of expiry.
Ajman is my favoured Emirate at the moment they are quick and the cheapest. You are not restricted to doing business there nor living there is no social life there. 40 mins from Dubai and a lot cheaper.