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Offshore bank accounts

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As far as I know only Iran and Syria are not allowed.
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For people new to all of this. You want defiantly to incorporate a Seychelles company first, then open a Cyprus bank account in the name of the company and then use it for personal use as you go.

Never open a personal account and only open offshore accounts where your privacy is granted and where the ownership it outside of Europe. The exact reason for why I suggest Cyprus over many other countries is that it has still banking secrecy in their constitution.

There are other offshore jurisdiction for banking that may be great but I have yet to explore them i.e. Cook Islands, Anguilla, Marshall Islands and such jurisdiction. I know Paraguay and Uruguay are very popular for real save offshore banking!

Hope this can shed some light to all of you new to this.
Thanks for the informative post. Fortunately, the original post is still fresh. When talking about "The first thing that you have to realize right off the bat is that these bank accounts aren’t just for the super rich or the super famous any longer", what does you actually mean admin. What kind of minimum deposits are we talking about? If not for the tax, people like me would fancy an offshore account to operate on niches banned in home country.
The offshore account opening may open doors and business for people that are unable to open accounts in their home country. This is still something that exists even if people don't believe that!
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So far I had no troubles with the bank while others report issues. I think it depends on what business you are into and what transactions you put through the system.
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Is there are good bank that accept straight P**N business? I need an bank account for my business asap but can't find any bank that is accepting my business?!!
There is only Baltikums Bank that may be able to help you and that I know about. I'm still looking for banks that can work with Adult Entertainment business.
For people new to all of this. You want defiantly to incorporate a Seychelles company first, then open a Cyprus bank account in the name of the company and then use it for personal use as you go.

Never open a personal account and only open offshore accounts where your privacy is granted and where the ownership it outside of Europe. The exact reason for why I suggest Cyprus over many other countries is that it has still banking secrecy in their constitution.

There are other offshore jurisdiction for banking that may be great but I have yet to explore them i.e. Cook Islands, Anguilla, Marshall Islands and such jurisdiction. I know Paraguay and Uruguay are very popular for real save offshore banking!

Hope this can shed some light to all of you new to this.
Why is Seychelles always the suggested entity and Cyprus bank account always what people suggest? is the an simple explanation to why it is so?
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Why is Seychelles always the suggested entity and Cyprus bank account always what people suggest? is the an simple explanation to why it is so?

From my understanding, Seychelles is one of the cheapest to incorporate compared to other jurisdictions. Imagine if you want to incorporate a Cayman Islands company, can pay through your nose. As for Cyprus, I really have no idea why. Years ago, they just took the depositors' monies and covered their own problem.
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I have a question to ask. For those who understand merchant account and payment gateway, some products and services are considered high-risk. There are merchant account and payment gateway providers who will take on these high-risk businesses at a high transaction price. But for bank accounts, there are banks that will not accept these high-risk businesses as a client. Are there any banks in the world that are willing to take on such businesses?
You sure? What if I know one in Canada that want to open the account for me in his name?
So it may be possible but he will take all the risk personally whatever happen with the account!
This and all the comments here have helped me very much. thank you cig-:,
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