Offshore bank accounts

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I see admin's other post offering offshore company setup in Cyprus along with bank account . Only €550 add-ons for a bank account. I'll love to recommend it to everyone.
The Cyprus banking is a cool if you need something in the EU otherwise you will want to look for banking in Belize, Mauritius, Cooks Islands and similar places.
Thanks for the explanation of these offshore banks it have been a great reading and I learned something that I didn't know before even if I'm and long term user of offshore accounts already.
To open an offshore account in any of the many offshore jurisdictions around and with the major banks around it's not difficult. IF you are willing to provide the required documents and even travel you can get it all done as usual. You will even find out that once you visit some of the offshore banks they will have something to offer you!
This is actually better than the article at the Wikipedia! I should've read this before I read the other. This is straight to the point and very informative and covers every basic things that you need to learn about Offshore accounts!

P.S. that girl in the pic though
Reactions: crispgo
what are the documents required to open offshore bank accounts? In how many days my account will be opened?
The most common requirements are Passport and Utility Bill ( in English ) , if its not in English it should be translated and notarized. Notarization of the paper will require a sign by a Lawyer. There may be another requirement but those will depend on which country or bank you will apply to. The same with on how much time you're gonna wait when you open a bank account. It depends on every bank but normally its 1 week minimum ( in my country ).
This is one of the best articles about offshore banking I have read for a long time. Does it help you to find an offshore account? not really, does it help you to learn how an offshore account work and what it is? Yes exactly it is what this is about. I have been missing something that can learn me what the difference is between an offshore account and a regular bank account that I can open with any of the banks around.

What I also have seen is that many think that the UK is considered offshore banking if you open an account there which only is possible by personal visit. I was confused about this when I read it and thought it was true. BUT, the only real offshore jurisdiction in Europe is Cyprus but I don't know if a Cyprus bank account is considered to be a real offshore account?? someone knows.
Today, for a variety of different reasons, it’s easier (and both more difficult) to open up offshore bank accounts than it’s ever been in the past. But you need to make sure that you are going about things the right way.
For many citizens of 3rd world countries it is much easier to get an offshore account than any local bank account. You may think about that most 3rd world countries don't even have real banks as you may know them. They are dependent on governments and other social projects to get something that looks close to a bank. So an offshore bank that is willing to open accounts for these people comes in handy!
Reactions: taxman
This thread is awesome and has been a pleasure to read. What I was looking for was concrete facts about offshore accounts and if they are what I though they were. I have been looking at several banks but after reading here and a lot other places I see that what I was looking for wasn't offshore banks but so called "onshore"
Because of personal reasons I'm unable to open an bank account in my home country I'm even prohibited to register a company and do business because of some very bad mistake I did in the past. It has been a big turn down with personal conflicts to not be allowed to do any business any longer I was despairingly!

Then I Googled for business and how to start a company and somehow this forum popped up and I start reading.. I must say it opened up all doors for me again. I thought I was banned from doing business ever again!!

My point is, what is the best offshore account for my new Belize offshore company? what would you suggest from all the offshore banks available and where is it easy to get account approval and opening?
Reactions: crispgo
By choosing to use offshore accounts you are insulating your money from attack and keeping it out of the hands of a government that may not be quite as friendly towards your wealth as you had hoped they’d be.
This works in an legal setup. There is no need to hide the offshore account from your creditors if you have setup your offshore corps correct! It's a funny game you can play with these bastards.
Do the offshore banks require personal visit? by that you mean they I have to visit them in person by traveling to them right?
Loved the Hollywood reference. My mind automatically travels to the Wall Street movies.