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Offshore bank accounts who can work with Paypal

Have you tried standard bank Mauritius, they are good and may work with PP too.. I would defiantly skip a direct PP account and use 2co. makes things much easier.
I have a friend who lives in Switzerland and who opened a PayPal account for a client of his, it wasn't actually a problem, the client lives in Australia still so far no issues.. I asked him to tell me what he did and which bank he used for the purpose of this little project.
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And if paypal decide to froze your account for any reason, you must go and pray to that mexican to gave your money back..:jok::jok:
He won't have access to the account as I understand the situation he don't even know that there is a company, bank account and a paypal account in his name!
Why you not post in 1 reply?
Read about it https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/startup_options/mac_spoofing/index.en.html

And here More...

And here http://www.howtogeek.com/192173/how-and-why-to-change-your-mac-address-on-windows-linux-and-mac/

And finally https://www.torproject.org/

This, this, this, this, a million times, this.

There have been countless debates on this forum, but please, once and for all, a website cannot detect your MAC address without using some very illegal techniques.

If you are just using a website (you're not downloading and running any software from that website) then it is a technical impossibility for that website to detect your MAC address. I was just going to leave it there, but I'm on a long train journey, and this question keeps cropping up, so here is a proper explanation for next time this question comes up.

To begin with, you must understand that the Internet (in general) runs on a collection of communication protocols known as TCP/IP. This is a 'layered' model which, in it's most simple form, sets out how data must be formatted and sent from an origin to a destination. Within the TCP/IP model, there are four different layers, outlined below:

  • Link - Communication between single nodes of a LAN ['Local Area Network']
  • Internet - Communication between multiple independent LANs
  • Transport - End-to-end communication to the correct application (creating packets, source and destination ports, etc)
  • Application - Specific protocols for certain types of data communication, for instance, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), etc.

The MAC address is used in the link layer and makes it possible for multiple nodes in a LAN to communicate to each other over a shared medium, such as Ethernet, Wifi, etc. This means that when data is sent from your router to another network (using the Internet layer), the MAC address of your computer is not sent as it would be meaningless data and an inefficient use of data transfer. This means that a web server responding to an HTTP request (in the application layer) has absolutely no idea what your computers MAC address is unless they reside on the same physical network.

If you'd like any further explanation, please either PM me or write here, and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Now, whenever this this is discussed there is always somebody that says something along the lines of 'omg but leik Amazon r tracking my MAC address I know it it's the only explanation'. Well, if you can find me a single piece of code which allows an HTTP server to detect the MAC address of a remote host, please, post it here, and I'll eat my words. If not, kindly fellate a rake.

Soooo much info, you say yours is only true :huh-smilie:
Thank you for sharing all this information. Some of it I didn't knew :)
This thread may be useful <removed> just read it and there is something that have to be researched and that hasn't been discussed here before.
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This thread may be useful <removed> just read it and there is something that have to be researched and that hasn't been discussed here before.
It seems the thread is refering to a different angel of the problematic to get an paypal account for an offshore company and bank account! Still it is of great importance to discuss the matter in order to sort it out.
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Have you looked at banks in Sweden or Norway they are all supported in PayPal and work like any other account. You may ask your local bank to open an account with one of the major banks there!
Most banks work just fine with PayPal the problem is the documents you have to submit to PayPal in order to stay compliant to their policy! That issue can be solved by finding someone who will provide you with the required documents!
I try to create a 2.co account. They do not like my business. Even if in the first contact they say it will be ok..

With the paypal..There are issues. They will not accept any offshore business from countries like Belize. So, they do not create a business account for this type of offshore.

You can use a "mexican".

But...paypal is not a bank. If the financial institution from Mexic decide thay want a list with all paypal accounts from Mexic, Paypal must give all the details.

So, they will find the "mexican".

And now it is a big problem. Because that "mexican" it is a poor guy, without money.

So, a criminal investigation will start and they will..."follow the money" And they will go to find who it is the owner of the credit card who are confirmed in the "mexican" paypal account. And they wiil found a bank account.

The big question here is what bank will not telling who is the real owner of a bank account if a financial institution, maybe interpol ask?

And that banks must have credit cards who can be used for withdraw from paypal.

I found 2 posible answers here. Cyprus bank, Piraeus bank. But the question is..these 2 banks will tell the real owner or not??
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I can't hold back a small laugh when I read about this Mexican guy. I believe this guy don't exists (he is not registered anywhere and sleeps on the streets) that's why it may be a possible option.
Just checked with the VISA and MasterCard options, see below:

Now I entered my Visa credit card here from BoC and it get charged an small amount...then I went to the Add Card again and entered the Visa Debit Card from USB Bank Cyprus, worked also fine, so far at at least, I can't see the charges yet!

I want to know if you finish the process and confirm your paypal account. If yes, can you make withdraws from your paypal account directly into the bank account via credit card?

And one more question..What type of VISA card you use from BoC?

Classic, Gold, Platinum..
I can't hold back a small laugh when I read about this Mexican guy. I believe this guy don't exists (he is not registered anywhere and sleeps on the streets) that's why it may be a possible option.
Could be dead, too...:icon_smile::icon_smile:

But in the same time, the credit card remain on that paypal account..

I want to know if you finish the process and confirm your paypal account. If yes, can you make withdraws from your paypal account directly into the bank account via credit card?

And one more question..What type of VISA card you use from BoC?

Classic, Gold, Platinum..
Yes finished the process and it works with a simple Visa debit card, I will be asking a few friends and collegues to try the same if they don't mind to see if they can do the same.
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