He managed to link up with of Georgia's ex president tho
That's all part of the deception. Anyone with a few shekels can "link up" with him:
Mikheil Saakashvili | APB Speakers
Henderson's paying these people, plain and simple. Why else would they associate with a two-bit, self-aggrandizing, tax-dodging marketer? He's merely riding the coattails of actual tax/
immigration experts. He holds no professional licenses, relevant credentials, absolutely nil. At best, he's an unnecessary intermediary, serving up mediocre/worthless "advice", and living on the fat of actual productive people.
There are myriad holes in his stories, half-truths, etc., you'd be insane to trust this guy. Definitely doesn't add up. Check his track record, anyone's who's willing to lie to government / revenue agencies most certainly won't have a problem screwing over clients.
I'm willing to bet the majority of his revenue's from y gen bloggers, small-time traders, English teachers, etc. It's all eBook sales and YouTube clicks. Difficult to imagine any serious businessmen going to this guy, his bulls**t can be smelled from afar. Watch some of the videos, and see how grossly he misrepresents things, minimises the challenges/problems involved, etc. Classic "something for nothing" pitch.
Those unfortunate enough to fork over money to him, will quickly realise there is no "next level". Everything's already on his blog/YT Channel (which you'll notice is meticulously moderated, anyone who contradicts what's said is banned).
He's a modern-day Tommy Vu, with "come to my seminar!" and "I'm going to make you
rich!". Same old something for nothing story, rebranded, including the harem of trashy women. The guy sounds like he's reading a NLP textbook from Grinder/Bandler. He's a complete fraud.
It would be one thing if the guy was providing actual useful advice/information. Instead, he's luring naive people in with a highly manipulative presentation, pretending to be an authority on the subjects he discusses, then collecting lucrative commissions in HIS best interests. There is no fiduciary responsibility with this clown, it's just milking the clients for as much a possible.
Best thing to do is get the general overview of offshoring/internationalisation elsewhere (most of this is common sense after you've been living it a while), then find real professionals that fit your specific needs/situation. Simple as that, they're very easy to find in any country.
He creates no real value.