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New Rules on cash payments in Spain

It is spreading slowly but surely across Europe, and at least within the EU. Without cash, control over the individual becomes much easier and can be automated. It is a worrying trend.
Yup Spain is literally terrorizing their citizens. What a place to live. Imagine the Hacienda freezing your account and cards due to a tax investigation and you cannot even retain a lawyer in cash (>1k) to defend yourself...lol.

Seriously folks you need to be poor, retired or have no aspirations in life to enjoy living in Spain.
Yup Spain is literally terrorizing their citizens. What a place to live. Imagine the Hacienda freezing your account and cards due to a tax investigation and you cannot even retain a lawyer in cash (>1k) to defend yourself...lol.

Seriously folks you need to be poor, retired or have no aspirations in life to enjoy living in Spain.
Imagine having a friend living in the UAE or other tax-friendly places and letting you use his cards in Spain while you just chill and pay him back in usdt.
I just don't understand how it is ok for people to accept financial slavery....
Same reason sheep accept being farmed. The sheeple do as they're told and give up their independence in exchange for having their lives controlled by the shepherds. They are beneath our respect.
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