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New Philippines FIV Permanent Residency?


By Peter Taradash in Campione D'Italia -2024

Why would anyone pay for a "golden Vias" or pay someone to get them legal “residence?”
You can go almost anywhere, rent a place, and for a very few bucks in filing fees, become a resident without any investments, golden visas, or anything by simply putting your butts on the ground and doing a bit of running around & filing some paper work.

In my 50 plus years as a P.T.(Permanent Tourist), I went when & where-ever I

wanted to go. I rented any apartment orhouse I fancied, stayed as long as I

wanted to stay.

I worked only if & when Ifelt like it, and never paid a dime to anyone to get me

residence or a 2nd Citizenship. I also picked up quite a few extra passports along the way.

Yet I have a neighbor who had paid over$50,000 in fees in the same year, to get

the same residence ID card I recentlygot for free, here in Campione D'Italia, where you are essentially aresident of both Switzerland and Italy. Theoretically, you get aresidence, health coverage,, and many otherbenefits., by just moving here. You don't even need to buy a place. Renting is enough. But the reality is there are forms to fill out &many (difficult to find) places to register. There arequestions to answer ...If you don't speak the local lingo you mightstick your foot in your mouth and be denied. But if you are very savvy and speak Italian, you can definitely "do ityourself."

The agent who advertised his services on the NET & helped my neighbor get the

residence (she could have obtained as ado it yourself project) convinced her she

need to set up a corporation toemploy her, & pay serious local taxes.
She was also

convinced to buy an overpriced incomeproperty “to show she had the needed

resources.” Bottom line, she flusheddown the toilet nearly $1,000,000. Her “service

provider” took €200,000 in fees.She could have done it herself for free or more

quickly with Grandpa for €15,000 inadvisory fees for all the secret shortcuts, etc.

I did my own for free with the help of a kid who spoke enough Italian to translate for me.

A nephew of minewho needed similar legal residence – only for

the medical benefits. He simply movedinto a town in France. After arrival as a tourist,

he qualified for a long term visa as astudent in a free government-sponsored course.

He didn’t need to show income oranything aside from a clean criminal record.

Then, with a little effort, he got afree apartment by doing some maintenance on the

property and looking after the owner’scomputer.

Compare! $1,000,000 vs. FREE for thesame thing. And the lady who paid the million

is now on the hook for big annual taxesin Italy, her new tax residence country. These heavy taxes are in

the $50,000 p/a range. My nephew? Heactually now makes enough in part-time jobs

photographing beautiful models to livecomfortably -- tax-free. I left out a lot of details,

but that is the essential tale of twoexpats.

Lesson? Knowledge is valuable.Ignorance is very costly.

As you may know, and this is not aplug, I used to charge a minimum fee of €15,000 for two years of

unlimited consulting and hand-holding. We could solve almost any problem. I did not stand in line for my clients in

bureaucratic offices, to “implement,”but I ddid show my clients exactly how to get

what they want or need, usually free orat nominal standard government charges.

You don’t need my personal servicesas the how to do it info is in my books. With

reasonable intelligence, and some local language skill, you can usually muddle through the process of getting

residence and citizenship for FREE anywhere.However, if you can afford it, IN MY OPINION (IMO) having

an experienced guide is always goodwhen you go hunting in uncharted territory for

the first time. Many of my clients earned back my fees and much more by

offering similar services to get others a residence card once they have accomplished their objectives.

Other clients have benefited fromintroductions and deals I uncovered for them--

Often something like property that canbe obtained for an investment that will turn

a good profit. My own currentgirlfriend made over $1 million on a “no money down” real estate

deal I put her into. But don’tmistake me. If you are going to make money or make

anything happen, it takes time andeffort, common sense, experience, good research or a mentor

and always --persistence!

One of my book readers actually wroteto me and said “I bought your real estate book, read it,

and nothing happened. I didn't become amillionaire, get a residence, a new passport or anything.”

I asked him if he took any or all thesteps recommended in my books. Answer? “No. None.”

Grandpa's comment:

My books provide a do it yourselfplan that will for some –if not most people –

But you do need to do things, likeapply for a visa, look for an apartment to rent or buy.

Buy a ticket to get there. Pack yourbags and go. You need to take action. Nothing will happen otherwise except that you will get older.

Do you think you can read abook and be transported to a tropical paradise on a magic carpet?


If you are too rich or too incompetentto do things on your own, you can always

pay my kid these days to point you in the rightdirection. I can even give you a kick in the pants when

you run out of steam or getdiscouraged.

I tell my clients and potential clientsthat they don’t need me. All I do for my

unlimited consulting fee is to makelife easier. How? By reviewing their options and

plans. By correcting their oftenmistaken assumptions. By assessing risks. By avoiding

overpriced lawyers and accountants whoare peddling stuff they don’t need. My

clients make fewer mistakes. If theylisten to me they will also avoid the myriad of

crooks and scammers on the NET who willovercharge or worse ---just take their money

and run.


Reader Question: “Grandpa: If you are so smart and already rich, why don’t you

help a deserving dummy like mefor free?”

Grandpa's Answer: Dear Deserving: Youare probably not as dumb as you look in

your e-mail picture (of a Donkey). Theanswer is simple. I am too old, too smart and

too experienced to cast my pearls ofwisdom on unwashed masses for free. Besides

that, most people think anything freeis worth exactly what you pay for it...Nothing.

My books are valuable and at my age, mytime is very valuable too.

Thus, sorry, my books and advice arenot free. I can’t afford to help everyone who

smiles at me. I don’t have timeto “save the world.” If you are beautiful and like old

geezers, you might get a trade deal or scholarship. But consider this: I DO give any

readers who actually bought a book orreport a short free E-mail conference. That

may be all you need.

You wouldn’t have this email or anyof my swell reports unless you paid for something. So

there you go. Write me (with a shortexplanation of when & what you bought and

what you paid) … I will answer any PT Related question usually within a few days.

Now about my Campione or otherresidence reports ...

Everybody and their dog are peddlingresidences and economic citizenship these

days. IMO most are way overpriced, andnot worth having. You will have my

comments and evaluations in the comingpages. I welcome feedback, comments,

questions, and constructive criticism. But bottom line is that you can go almost anywhere,
rent a place, and for a very few bucks in filing fees, become a resident without any investments,
golden visas, or anything but putting your butts on the ground and doing a bit of paper work.

Are all the documents in English which are required, you must be good at such things to do the work yourself.
One of the best things about the Philippines is that the official languages are ENGLISH and TAGALOG. English is used for all administrative & legal procedures, making it easy for guys like me (who don't like to learn new languages). As I explained, in the Fils you can get the needed i.d. cards, etc. to "prove" abroad that you are a tax resident there without really being one.
If you don't want to be a Fil taxpayer and want to be considered a tourist by the Phil Govt I think that before 6 months elapse, you should REALLY take a trip out of the Fils, and get your passport stamped with exit & re-entry even if it is only for a one day trip to Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, or any of the nearby spots you can fly round-trip to very cheaply. The main attraction of the Fils for me was that with a bit of effort, you can get a girlfriend or wife there far better in every respect than you are likely to link up with in the USA or Europe.
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As always, a great contribution from our senior member here at OCT. It is a pure pleasure to read your posts, which clearly bring a tone of life experience and knowledge into the context.