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Need some guidance regarding high risk payment processor.

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You defiantly have better options with a EU entity like an UK LTD which is the cheapest and fastest to setup.

In mentor group gold resource you have tons of good high risk payment processors to choose from:
I have a problem finding the right processor, with the link you provided there are tons of processors but where to start or do you say I have to put my application to all of them?
It's really not that hard to make a list of the payment processors you want to try. First, go through the list and note down the ones that seem interesting. Then, visit each of their websites to check if everything still looks good for you.

Now, you can create a fairly standard email, keeping it under 500 words, where you briefly explain your requirements, the type of business you have, why you want to switch to them, whether you have processing history, etc., and finally ask if they can handle your business.

Once that email is written, it won’t take long to send it out to 15-20 companies and then wait for responses.
If you truely care about your privacy I guess best would be to go with a nominee shareholder and director.

His information would be visible in company register, but yours won't be shown.

Most customers probably wouldn't care neither if you have an LLC or a British LTD. As most of them wouldn't see it straight forward besides they check imprint or whatever.

Your nominee would have to do the KYC for your High Risk PSPs though, which might be a little difficult depending on how "close" you're a with him or her / or how good your connection is to the nominee.

Rotating PSPs / miscoded solutions might work as well depending on how high your volume will be.
Some problem can arise if the nominee already has his name on other merchant accounts, that would get the entire company rejected and you risk that you won't be able to apply with other payment processors because of this.
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