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Need recommendations for crypto cards and friendly EMI's for individuals

I was wrong, they do not steal money
well it appeared that I was not wrong, they DO steal money. almost $1k loss, no reply from support since 21st January.
I understand that Trustpilot is bs filled with paid reviews written by bots but still I should have read it earlier.




keywords for Google: coincardi.com = scam
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a small review of 3 more crypto cards.

someone recommended me to get a card issued by https://reap.global and I've searched for crypto card providers whose cards are issued by Reap.
found three so far:


unfortunately it appeared that the owner is Indian American, the target audience is India, and the software was written by Indian coders: it does not work, at least on my devices.
it might work on yours so I'm leaving the link here for you to try.


seems to be a widely known service and it has overall good reviews, however I've found a review which said that this service has stupid repetitive KYC, they want your selfie with ID every now and then, so I did not try to register because I'm tired of all that s**t.
still it is worth trying if you need to offramp large amounts because their limits are very high compared to other crypto cards.


service nobody knows about, the owner shows off with rolex and other luxury stuff on their official Twitter account, smells fishy to me. however they advertise as "an official Solana card" so this project might last for several more months :D
I've tried to register an account and it was surprisingly easy, took less than 10 minutes.
KYC: they want your email, phone number, photo of ID, and an easy liveness check (just look into the camera), no selfie with ID and no proof of address needed, unlike as with Coincardi. and also unlike Coincardi where a "free" card costed me 50 EUR (or 1000 including stolen funds) the Kast card is really free. yearly fee = 20 USD (Coincardi = 60)
privacy concerns: their app is quite invasive, it requires Google Play Services installed, "Contacts", "Phone" and "SMS" permissions (but seems to work without them), so I recommend you to install it on a separate clean smartphone without any private data.
usage: very easy and smooth. this card (or all cards issued by Reap?) accepts any billing address. I've added it to Ebay and made a few inexpensive purchases, so far everything is good. also I've ordered a physical card ($100), will report back once it arrives.
if you want to make me a gift with "KAST" shitcoins and to get a 20% discount for a paid card you could use my referral link to register: https://kastfinance.app.link/19R2IIWP (you need to open it from a smartphone)
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also I've ordered a physical card ($100), will report back once it arrives.
I live in 2 days delivery distance from Hong Kong, the app said that the card will be delivered within 7-14 days, I did not receive the card in 14 days so I've contacted the support, and on the next business day I've received an email from DHL stating that they've just got a parcel for me. it seems that Kast staff does not track the physical card orders and will not make and send the card until you remind them :D so if you want to order a physical card then contact the support in 2-3 days after making an order and do not wait for full 2 weeks.
ATM withdrawal worked well, I did not try to use the card in any retail store yet.

I've added it to Ebay and made a few inexpensive purchases, so far everything is good.
I've made some more expensive purchases for a few grands total and everything is still good, so far I am satisfied.

security concerns: there seems to be no possibility to set spending limits per card, so if you would lose your card with the pin code written on it then you are fucked, same if a malicious website would steal your card number and CVV.
and another concern: I've found out that another crypto card service https://offramp.xyz/ has recently stopped their partnership with Reap, so there might be some problems with Reap or with that one particular website. same as with any bank/EMI: you should not keep on Kast more money than you can afford to lose.
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