can't you just explain to the man what it is? You are not very trustworthy with your disloyalty towards the forum.If you are interested write on my profile,email/Telegram etc.
can't you just explain to the man what it is? You are not very trustworthy with your disloyalty towards the forum.If you are interested write on my profile,email/Telegram etc.
I have already mentioned that it is a port cum sez project.As these are private deals more details can be made available if we have an NDA with the investor.There is no disloyalty towards the forum.can't you just explain to the man what it is? You are not very trustworthy with your disloyalty towards the forum.
Hi @admin please delete coinmasters objectionable post here as there were no proofs from his side.What happened coinmaster you didnt find any proofs against us,maybe then its time for you to delete your posts then.
From next time onwards get proofs before trying to malign anybody
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