Nebeus fiat account

I got an email from Nebeus today that they are due to blah blah blah blah - nothing specific, but they are sorry, they are closing my account. Giving me 48 hours to withdraw my funds. Then 5 minutes later they sent me an advertisement that if I deposit 50 euros into my account they will give me a physical card.....
I wrote to them,
"I already have a current USDT withdrawal transaction on the trc20 network, but its status is always "Processing" for some reason.
Nebeus replied "We will let you know when is ready. In the meantime, please withdraw all funds you can. "
I answered them "that there are no other funds. Please execute this transaction to withdraw usdt via tron network." It's been more than 24 hours and I have not received any funds from them.
Tell me, is there any sense to beat and write a thorough complaint to the regulator? Or should I wait 1 day more?
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Reactions: JohnnyDoe
Same happened with me, EU citizen and resident, they rejected my application, after a few months later I tried it again with a different email and phone number, same outcome.

I found that funny because I was never rejected from any EMI before, so it is a new experience.
I am also a shareholder of Nebeus on Seedrs, and honestly I don't like how they ignore the questions there, and their ownership structure looks strange, seems like Russian owned and the Spain location probably just a front.

Now I'm happy they didn't open my account, I don't like Nexo either because they are doing shady things but I would much rather trust Nexo than Nebeus.
Just my few cents.

I have nebeus account and card for a some time. It works.
Their application is a buggy as a hell, they have charged money for DHL card delivery, but it was slowly sent it via regular post.
Overall experience just below average to competitors (crypto EMI).

Some time ago recommend nebeus to couple of my friends and their applications have been rejected(Both EU and non-EU passports).

One of them even was accepted first, but few few weeks later account was closed, even it didn't have any transactions.

Probably they have problems and stop accepting new clients now.
Yes Nebeus and Nexo KYCd me, I had to show a business I own and I provided my tax returns. Nothing too cumbersome.
Nebeus has officially received FCA approval to acquire a company with an Electronic Money Institution (EMI) license and the prestigious Principal Membership with Mastercard.
Looks like they keep delivering, and the line of services is impressive.
Any new/other experiences with them?

Thinking about giving it a shot as I just found I had an account; I received their newsletter on one of my emails.

Their offering is pretty wide (staking, another IBAN - you can never have enough, and integrated exchange), and they have acquired Dzing, so they will have more freedom with the services.
Reactions: JohnnyDoe
I somehow got my money back, but they kept spamming me with emails. I even had to file a spam complaint. I don't recommend getting involved. Maybe they will make a couple of transactions and when they see a large amount of money they will flood you with meaningless questions. Even if you clearly answer everything, it is not a fact that they will release the money. You will receive emails from them in the style that we are working on it, we understand, but we need time and so on. Well, if it's for small amounts and you're not sorry for your time, you can try it