Navalny is no more ;)

As somebody who was born in Russia and was following Navalny's journey just wanna say f**k you all who is saying s**t about him here
For Russia, me, my friends and other decent human beings it was a dark day when he was murdered.
Did you follow him to Yale and work under Michael McFaul's tutelage too?
Reactions: jafo
100% this!
The days of one-sided propaganda are OVER!

The problem is that most people's IQ (I mean "intelligence" in a general way) is too low for them to do pattern recognition and most people will NOT admit they are wrong or have been lied to their entire life.

A very wealthy American once told me when I was a teenager in college: "+99% of people rather be right than rich."
Brit’s, Germans; poles, yanks etc numerous being paid 3 x their normal rates - it was an example.

Provide the evidence as the data says differently

I will send my kids to study in Singapore and then Switzerland - your point?
Does Singapore exempt kids from having to get the safe and effective in order to get a visa? Or is it like with the working visa?
Afaik Switzerland does not so good to go there but idk about Singapore.
Reactions: jafo
Does Singapore exempt kids from having to get the safe and effective in order to get a visa? Or is it like with the working visa?
Afaik Switzerland does not so good to go there but idk about Singapore.
No clue what it will be around the time.. They are 1.2 yrs old.

Currently been in Schooling since 6 months, i believe they go into 'proper next step' around 3 years?

As for Visa, it's merely a case of throwing money at it where Singapore is concerned (we have no interest in living there) wife would, and then fly them home at the weekends - tentatively discussing.

For Switzerland, we could get citizenship (investment) wife already had the opportunity (studied and then worked there), it's also our home in Europe, again Switzerland would be ideal (Rolle) for the kids at a point in the future.

conspiracy theorists
One of the interesting things observed over the past few years, a lot of these theorists have been proven as fact.
Reactions: jafo
No clue what it will be around the time.. They are 1.2 yrs old.
Maybe much worse later on. Im somehow concerned about Singapore on not just that level. But must be observed how this whole thing develops.
thats good. So you can just send kids to school in Singapore without them needing any visa, assuming they can stay like 90 days anyway every time each entry.
For Switzerland, we could get citizenship (investment) wife already had the opportunity (studied and then worked there), it's also our home in Europe, again Switzerland would be ideal (Rolle) for the kids at a point in the future.
many options there indeed, citizenship not even needed since you can just go for lump sum tax deal.
Reactions: jafo
thats good. So you can just send kids to school in Singapore without them needing any visa, assuming they can stay like 90 days anyway every time each entry.
My understanding cross region (ASEAN +) exemptions are made for nationals.
They have citizenship for an ASEAN state so shouldn't have issues, wife also.
Otherwise we would fit the calibre for a number of other processes (networth), (investment), (corporate), etc.
Reactions: jafo
As somebody who was born in Russia and was following Navalny's journey just wanna say f**k you all who is saying s**t about him here
For Russia, me, my friends and other decent human beings it was a dark day when he was murdered.

As somebody who was born in Russia, I used to think like you. I even celebrated when he filmed his movie about Putin's palace. Until I learned a little bit more about Navalny.

You're under an illusion that "decent human beings", Russia and others must share your opinion. Some of them will. But what if the majority are of the opposite view? What if you're among a minority? This may not make your're wrong because a minority may be right still.

However, speak for yourself and for people you know. Not for the whole Russia and let alone "decent human beings". It's not a "dark day" either
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Reactions: wellington and jafo
I prefer not to get involved into political discussions, but I have to admit that you have a really good point there.
Reactions: wellington and jafo
For a while I thought the average member of this forum had some brain.

It has become a den of conspiracy theorists and whataboutism.

Please head to Tiktok, where you belong.
99% of this forum:
"Putin is the best" -Posted from my iPhone deep inside Western country, protected by NATO and the US

Seriously though, once you ignore 99% of the trolls and KGB propaganda agents, it's actually a pretty good forum.
99% of this forum:
"Putin is the best" -Posted from my iPhone deep inside Western country, protected by NATO and the US

Seriously though, once you ignore 99% of the trolls and KGB propaganda agents, it's actually a pretty good forum.
That's a masterpiece from the one who assumes that all in this world revolves around Europe and US

1) Protected by NATO and US - from whom? Why would one who's for Putin need to be protected from him?
2) How do you know that it was posted from iPhone and not from, let's say, Huawei or Xiaomi?
3) Why do you assume that it was "from a Westrern country"? Aren't there other territories in the world: South East Asia, Turkey, Middle East, Russia itself, South America, Central America?

4) How can it be a "pretty good forum" if you would have to ignore 99% of the participants?

A strong ukranian naitionalist (Gordon) and a presumably a westener (Ehret) talking about Russia, making assumptions, their own conclusions. So what? What does it have to do with reality?
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Reactions: Jerry1911 and jafo