Navalny is no more ;)

I spent some time reading those articles, dug a bit in the background, and NOTHING there was a surprise to me. Nothing! . If we were playing a game of "predicting" the future, I would have been 3 for 3

The brainwashing is HUGE here.

Why should I provide you with knowledge and strategies when you don't even have the initiative to invest in yourself and purchase a Mentor Group membership?

As they say in Portugal: Todo castigo para burro é pouco!
Reactions: LibertyGuy
Is this discussion about a n**i still ongoing ? Guy should have been shot years ago.

As for the idiot above saying Russia is a shithole - Russia is one of the biggest and most diverse land masses in the world with an abundance of natural, ecological marine/land based life.

It’s a stunning country much like America and continental Africa, conventional Europe and so on.

You have issues with the political aspects and those are granted but Russia itself isn’t a shithole, it’s mostly untouched - which is why we the collective west want to get our mitts on it - for the resources - much like our supporting Ukraine not for Ukraine but the resources within eastern Ukraine - as well as creating a boom in our R&D military industry.

As a famous yank said - it’s been good business even if it’s cost 600k Ukrainians - Slava Ukrainia.

At this point I’m surprised Israel hasn’t come out trying to celebrate the little n**i.

Kinda like they turned a blind eye to canadas promoting of a literal n**i in parliament
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one of the biggest and most diverse land masses in the world with an abundance of natural, ecological marine/land based life
So what you really want to say is that they have nothing else going for them, otherwise you'd be mentioning some other 'accomplishments'.

Plenty of shitholes have decent looking business districts as part of their capital. It's not exactly a make it or break it factor in that regard.

the collective west
Congrats, you've revealed yourself with just this one Russian newspeak propaganda term that's being peddled around by Kremlin troll farms. Could you please try defining it for us?
Reactions: Eirene
Russian has a rich history, filled with accomplishments. Defeating n**i Germany is a fairly big one.

The collective west is easy to define. Any country that the United States controls. Germany, UK, Baltics, all NATO countries etc etc. Or you can spot them by any countries leader that tweeted their condolences for Navalny and insinuated it was the "putin regime"

When did you last visit Russia btw? You are an under-25 Croat, so you didn't visit in the 90s to see what it was like. When did you go to see it was a shithole?
Reactions: wellington and jafo
After 4 pages, finally a half decent argument. Back in the 80s, a close family member spent a considerable amount of time in what is now Ukraine and Russia, and not just in Moscow and Kiev. I've also talked with people who were in the oil business and have dealt with Gazprom/Rosnjeft and lived in Russia at the time.

But this is all irrelevant as it's not a factor when determining if a country is a shithole or not. Russia is a jurisdiction without rule of law and if you somehow manage to build a large business there you WILL be pressured by the government / oligarchs, as has been seen a number of times already.

Any country that the United States controls. Germany, UK, Baltics, all NATO countries etc etc. Or you can spot them by any countries leader that tweeted their condolences for Navalny and insinuated it was the "putin regime"
All while Putin's friends send their kids off to study there... yawn.

P.S. Considering you've raised this issue I would be curious to know your background, age and if you've ever been to Russia - if yes then for how long, where and when?
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you've revealed yourself with just this one Russian newspeak propaganda term that's being peddled around by Kremlin troll farms. Could you please try defining it for us?
Not at all.. lol

Dead Russian, Dead Ukrainian, makes no difference to me. ~ no point crying over spilled guineas statement comes to mind.

I have a issue with you describing an entire land mass as a s**t-hole, you reverted back to x business district in x country as part of your response, mine was focused towards the natural land mass of the largest country on the planet, and why ultimately we want to get our dirty little mitts on it (eventually) which is why Russia wants to stop us pre-emptively by taking the East Ukraine access point, which our dirty little mitts can't allow because we need those natural resources 'today'.

Ukraine on the other hand is a construct, as far as i am concerned, we're just fortunate we have people there we've been able to ply pressure on to sacrifice their own to protect our interests.

Otherwise this war would have been over in instanbul a long time ago when Russia offered half decent terms.
- We won't kill your demographics by blowing to shreds your men.
- We won't destroy your infrastructure

In return you can't join Nato, you CAN join the EU, and you can't have Western Military aparatus installed in your country.

Unfortunately my Prime Minister at the time, Boris Johnson, which represented the UK as a vassal state to the United States blew that deal.

And we are here today with something like 5 trillion of world wide economic damage, ironically Russia flourishing, something like 1.5-2m dead something like 100,000 kids disappeared, something like 10m displaced.

So no not a Russian troll, a realist, a dead Russian - i might add is usually some one from one of the minorities is no skin of my nose, i like Russians for money (that they pump into the macro markets) not for their personality, to me the chicks are pretty, the dudes all look the same (must be hellish identifying the bodies if no DNA taken).

I might add though, it was Russia and the British Empire (UK) that won world war 2, not the US, they just sped up it's flow slightly, people often forget the sacrifice Russia made, and Russia is probably more culturally to do with the UK/Europe than the US.

So what you really want to say is that they have nothing else going for them, otherwise you'd be mentioning some other 'accomplishments'.
Another way of looking at that, is actually... its so vast, so rich, that they haven't had to destroy it, which is an accomplishment in itself.
I have a issue with you describing an entire land mass as a s**t-hole
I'm referring to the entity/jurisdiction.

you reverted back to x business district in x country as part of your response
My bad, the video of the business district in Moscow was posted by by @Tomy223.

natural resources
Which ones exactly? They need US dollars more than the West needs their gas, otherwise they would've stopped exporting it a long time ago. In fact they threatened to do many times but never went through. Go figure

you CAN join the EU
Putin already blocked the accession of Ukraine to the EU back in 2013.

In return you can't join Nato, you CAN join the EU, and you can't have Western Military aparatus installed in your country.
As per Putin's own words in the last interview, it wasn't the NATO that was the issue but the accession of Ukraine to the EU. Even from a logical standpoint, Ukraine joining NATO wouldn't have changed a thing as both NATO and Russia have a shitton of ICBMs meaning MAD would still apply.

ironically Russia flourishing
Flourishing in what sense? A one off GDP growth of 4,7% isn't going to change the fact their life expectancy is almost a decade shorter than of the EU or that their GDP per capita matches Bulgaria.

Dead Russian, Dead Ukrainian, makes no difference to me.
If you don't care about Russians being killed, why are you defending them so hard? To make things worse you are defending their corrupt politicans - or better said, Putin.
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Which ones exactly? They need US dollars more than the West needs their gas, otherwise they would've stopped exporting it a long time ago. In fact they threatened to do many times but never went through. Go figure
That's not exactly true.

I know people working extensively in the field.

Basically most of the natural resources from Gas/Oil comes from Siberia.

Siberia freezes, it's permafrost... so if you turn off a gas plant, or don't maintain it, the entire plant becomes un-workable (same with oil) when i say unworkable, it would take something like 10-20 yrs to bring back online.

The demographics of Russia, has also resulted in the fact that most of the skilled labour in this field are approaching 60 or past 60.

This coupled with the war and sending some of their youth (or mid-youth) to war has resulted in somewhat of a brain-drain.

Russia therefore has resulted to allowing the Chinese in-mass to offset the skilled labour.

Chinese now manage most of the infrastructure in Eastern Russia, in return they get cheaper or concessions, China which isn't sanctioned, then pulls from international resources (pools of labour) to keep their own systems going (i know someone flying all over the world, including China as a non-resident Brit) that does this, and is making considerable amounts in China currently flying in and out for their own infrastructure as China's engineers are managing Russian(s).

So you have infrastructure that needs to be operational, you can't cap it because it would not be recoverable for a decade plus.

Thus they are producing x materials, and then selling x materials below market to India, china etc, the losses in the short term are irrelevant because if the plants go down the entire system goes down.

Note Chinese workers working in Russia is a state effort, an attack on them is an attack on China = possible world war.

Now as for the funds Russia gets, it's irrelevant, whether it's rubles, yuan, rupees even though they struggle to spend them (i.e building up masses) because the short term losses offset a potential catastrophic loss if the plants go down, just a point of note, it's not a catastrophic loss for Russia, its a big loss, but for the world wide markets, it would be catastrophic - and would lead to revolutions.

From the oil/gas sold, i.e is processed (new sticker) and then sold from the likes of India into the Western Markets, or via the Gulf States into the Western Markets at a premium.

Russia takes a short term hit, India makes bank, Gulf states make bank, China benefits considerably, the West pays through the nose via secondary/third and debases their currency to reduce the burden on their populations.

Now for Russia, this is actually death by a thousand cuts to the West.

As for Russia needs $ -> they cleared most if not all of their $ based debt (state) the world works in what is called the EuroDollar Market, which generates the $ demand world wide, the $ isn't the reserve currency, the EuroDollar market is, it's some 300-400 trillion $ of IOU's that generates liquidity into the market and is generally outside of the $ market directly but leans on to settle debts or provision loans as the currency tied to but delivered in local currency.

I.e Chinese company borrows 1 billion SGD from Singapore company the price isn't in SGD but in $, but the Chinese company receives SGD in Singapore, it then services that debt in SGD at the rate of the $ at the time, this basically moves risk to a third currency, i.e US is not part of the transaction, Singapore Gov can manipulate SGD, Chinese Gov can manipulate Yuan, so you opt for a third currency as a bench mark outside of the transaction, USD.

So there's some 300-400 Trillion $ of demand for settlements of debts (international transactions) in value, that doesn't necessary mean in $ but just the value in $ converted at the time, either into x local currencies or into gold, or into $ or into assets etc.

And that market is world wide and is the 40 trillion $ eurodollar transactional market world wide annually.

But it ain't $.

You only want $ for transactional conversion, or safety, Russia holds predominantly gold, and serves most of it's costs in physical shipping of gold.

Which is where the idea of BRICs comes to play as a common currency union of sorts... makes life easier, and as the West increases it's attacks against our own systems it encourages that movement.

Now for other countries, there is a lot of $ demand for both State debt repayments and $ commercial debt servicing... but again thats 'priced' in $ but not necessary settled in $.

Putin's settlement in the early days of the Ukraine war was -> detailed very clearly, can join EU, can't join NATO, can't station Nato assets in Ukraine.

Russia has always had a shorter lifespan, kinda irrelevant if in the final 10 yrs you're just sucking energy from the productivity of the country, better to have a dying population in the 70s-80's than the 90's-100's.

I am not defending Russian's i just actually understand the world better than you do obviously.

Because it’s my job to, and it’s my job to make money for the company from stupidity, and the stupidity has been astounding.

Life is a chess board, every piece Russia moves the West moves another and that usually results in debasement - you make money of that stupidity.

Not the emotion of poor Ruskin or poor Ukrainian - that’s their choice.
If you take emotion and look at data only you’ll have a far better and fiscally rewarding life.

Slava Ukraine
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That's not exactly true.
Yes it is. They could for example divert the gas currently being exported to the EU to their own natural gas power plants and significantly lower the cost of electricity within the country, but apparently getting US dollars is more important to them. And I guess if you don't have the brains to make use of the cheaper/free energy, you haven't really accomplished anything.

Natural gas is also not the only resource they are still continuing to export to the "collective West".

(i know someone flying all over the world, including China as a non-resident Brit) that does this, and is making considerable amounts in China currently flying in and out for their own infrastructure as China's engineers are managing Russian(s).
Irrelevant, but now that you've mentioned it, it's funny how out of all Russians and Chinese (a total of 1.55B people) a Brit is needed to handle the important stuff

Wrong. Western countries are effectively paying the exact same price as before except Russia is now making less money and a few other countries are taking their cut through premiums, but those are certainly not going back to Russia.

Putin's settlement in the early days of the Ukraine war was -> detailed very clearly, can join EU, can't join NATO, can't station Nato assets in Ukraine.
Factually incorrect, and I have addressed this a couple of times already but I guess ignorance is bliss.

Which is where the idea of BRICs comes to play as a common currency union of sorts...
Is NESARA/GESARA the next thing you are going to talk about?

that’s their choice
In a lot of cases, hardly.

P.S. You also strategically "forgot" to address other points raised earlier such as Putin's friends sending kids to study to the UK all while Medvedev shitposts about nuking the whole island every time he wakes up.
Irrelevant. But now that you've mentioned it, it's funny how out of all Russians and Chinese (a total of 1.55B people) a Brit is needed to handle the important stuff
Brit’s, Germans; poles, yanks etc numerous being paid 3 x their normal rates - it was an example.

Wrong. Western countries are effectively paying the exact same price as before except Russia is now making less money and a few other countries are taking their cut through premiums, but those are certainly not going back to RUB.
Provide the evidence as the data says differently

P.S. You also strategically "forgot" to address other points raised earlier such as Putin's friends sending kids to study to the UK all while Medvedev shitposts about nuking the whole island every time he wakes up.
I will send my kids to study in Singapore and then Switzerland - your point?

Russia isn’t being paid in $

I’ve already outlined the Eurodollar market

Russia as a state doesn’t have any tangible $ debt so it doesn’t really care hence stock piling rubles yuan and so on because it’s better to loose some value than loose the entire infrastructure.

Now if you don’t mind I am getting ready for this year’s voyage bankrolled by western stupidity.

Whilst as fun as it is debating someone that uses headlines without substance it’s kinda irrelevant to the facts on the ground.

As for the original post content the guy was a n**i and should have been hung, shot, thrown off a building long ago and anyone supportive of him along with that.
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Reactions: pipona
Provide the evidence as the data says differently
Same prices as before the war

Russia as a state doesn’t have any tangible $ debt so it doesn’t really care hence stock piling rubles yuan and so on because it’s better to loose some value than loose the entire infrastructure.
Again, the US dollar is just one part of the equation, they could still stop exporting gas to the EU just to harm them

P.S. You also strategically "forgot" to address other points raised earlier such as Putin's friends sending kids to study to the UK all while Medvedev shitposts about nuking the whole island every time he wakes up.
I will send my kids to study in Singapore and then Switzerland - your point?
Same prices as before the war
Are you some sort of simpleton? Your evidence is prices of oil when I already outlined way above that Russia doesn’t care about short term revenues and the currencies they are paid in.

It only cares about their infrastructure still pushing out resources because when it stops it isn’t re-starting.

Your entire argument is price of oil is down this Russia is chasing $ is nonsensical and has nothing to do with the realities of the world. -> perhaps educate yourself with this: Atlas Won’t Shrug -> on Oil, then learn about economic cycles, re-fi cycles, liquidity cycles (all interconnected).

The world is in the entry of a new liquidity cycle after a tightening induced squeeze on liquidity that results in recessions or near recession environments which result in reduced oil output to control prices internationally, whilst also low demand for oil.

I use oil as a word to describe energy same applies to gas.

Now if we are past the specifics of energy flow through liquidity cycles we come back to the pure basis of the point I made above - Russia needs to remove oil/gas as it comes out of the ground instead of allowing its infrastructure to freeze up.

As for the rest you’ve lost me in the relecane to your argument which has danced across many fringes but hasn’t had any form of substance behind them, substance means facts on why x needs to enter the market via y, what happens when x doesn’t enter the market via y domestic in Russia or internationally in the markets, what happens if x ceases to exist to the domestic economy of Russia, and more importantly to international markets and economies.

Those are substance based areas to research not the price of oil on a given day of a given month based on liquidity cycles.

Again, the US dollar is just one part of the equation, they could still stop exporting gas to the EU just to harm them
Russia doesn’t trade in $ or Euros it trades in Rubles, Yuan, Gold, and Rupees.
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There's not much to it - you need to be a resident of a Croatia, younger than 25 and employed by a local company.
Then teach me how to become younger than 25. And remain so. As well as how to get employed by a local company of Croatia whilst being employed elsewhere.

But at least the 1st part - to make it easy enough for you.

Russia doesn’t trade in $ or Euros it trades in Rubles, Yuan, Gold, and Rupees.
and in AED
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Then teach me how to become younger than 25. And remain so. As well as how to get employed by a local company of Croatia whilst being employed elsewhere.

But at least the 1st part - to make it easy enough for you.

and in AED
Yeah AED also which is pegged to the $ oh and HKD which is pegged to the $

Well in their own way anyway. But mainly just transactional currencies.
Would would be a much easier place if people were profiled and the extreme left and extreme right were interned.

Left and Right however are just off center and the tugs this way and that way work in everyone’s favor.

Aside from that - not really anything to do with the n**i that should have been hung a decade ago.
Reactions: jafo and polonieth
Putin critic Alexei Navalny, 47, dies in Arctic Circle jail

Putin critic Alexei Navalny, 47, dies in Arctic Circle jail​

From some forums:

" Nonsense, nonsense, the West has got it all wrong as usual. The prisoner felt unwell after a walk, and tripped over a prison officer's bayonet after mistakenly drinking the bowl of polonium which the camp superintendent had put out to keep the rats down. All perfectly innocent. All very sad. Our condolences to his wife. "

" I felt the same after Yevgeny Prigozhin died, of the Wagner group that threatened Putin.
We now know that, after starting an argument about the complementary peanuts served and then having bought one hundred scratch cards without winning a prize, he set light to them, causing a small explosion which depressurised the plane and caused a vodka bottle to hit the pilot, rendering him unconscious.
Glad that the truth is out.

Now we know.

Just change "leftists" to "right-wingers" and the meaning remains the same:

View attachment 6261
-- 'Just change "leftists" to "right-wingers" and the meaning remains the same:'

Frankie, I can't remember who said it, but I always remember the explanation that Fascists and Communists see themselves as different as the North and South poles of our planet.

But everywhere still cold, bleak and without life.
Reactions: Jerry1911