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Question Most trusted EMI from list for handling high amounts?


Active Member
Jan 1, 2022
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I have one single condition: to be able to make an online card payment of €50k in one single transaction.
An embossed VISA type card is preferred.

Which would be the most safe option out of these EMIs ??

Please note: I can't let them freeze my account / funds - for additional "verification porpoises" (LOL?!) , since I would handle ~€70k on my account.... which I obviously need to have access to, anytime I need or want .

Thank you for your share !!!! :)
Well there lays the problem, doesn't it. What if you actually did legit sell NFTs?
I must admit, I am not very well oriented in NFT's – but I guess that even in such a case you can (and should) somehow proof that 1) a particular NFT had belonged to you and 2) you received $100k with some remittance information that it is the payment for named NFT. Am I wrong?
Bottom line:
I am well aware of the fact that abovementioned proofs can be – possibly – done only by means of advanced technologies that banks are not accustomed to (and in many cases, not willing to accustom to).
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