Dear OffshoreCorpTalk community,
Our attention has been brought to the above post and further posts on the forum regarding our services. Please read our official reply below and review the attached guidance for corporate account opening.
Clients are held to a strict on-boarding procedure and we typically focus on accepting solely clients with visible, substantiated businesses. We are a boutique bank who operate in a very niche market dealing with clients who have perfectly legitimate and legal businesses, which due to geography and enhanced compliance practices beyond regulatory requirements from ‘big banks’ may encounter issues opening accounts.
We are not a discounter or wholesaler, but operate in a niche market and offer a service to particular clients, therefore some fees are higher for services offered by other, larger banks. On-boarding fees are classed as due diligence fees which are mandated by regulations. Payment of due diligence fees do not guarantee account opening and should not be mistaken as account opening fees.
During the brand launch in 2020 there were sales agents acting on behalf of Migom who would take this standard fee and add an referral fee. We regret any negative experience experienced by our customers as part of the referral process and offer our apologies.
Our rapidly growing customer base is serviced solely through our website and app. All account opening and applications are made through the links below:
Migom Bank
Migom Bank
Thank you and happy Banking!
Team Migom