You are welcome.Thanks all for you help.
What do you mean by this? I admit I do not understand well...Maybe just accepting cheap gigs
This will work, definitely; just be advised that in such a case you will be liable to US federal tax, as being ETBUS.or re hiring freelancers in US will avoid this issue?
Well, it might work, as discussed above. Especially – IMO – with GoDaddy as it is typically US company. At least, worth trying; if you try this, sharing your experience here would be much appreciated.Or something like my reciped from Open AI, Google, Apple, and GoDaddy would be enogh? they are services that I hire for real for my production work.
I am afraid this will not help; Mercury (et al.) claim clearly that they ask for US operations.How about switching to a multi member LLC by e.g. having your spouse or family member or someone own 1% ?
Then the LLC will be a US person, and I think Mercury is much more lenient.
Sure but see above...There will be different forms to file but it's still disregarded, so no US tax.