What's in store for traders from January 2021?
First and foremost, head-shaking. From 2021, losses from a forward transaction can only be offset against gains from forward transactions up to a maximum of 10,000 euros. A trader makes a profit of 15,000 euros and a loss of 9,000 euros, fall to 6,000 euros. However, if the losses amount to 12,000 euros, he must pay tax on 5,000 euros. However, he can carry forward the 2,000 euros not taken into account to the following year.
It gets even better if the losses exceed the profits. A profit of 20,000 euros is offset by a loss of 30,000 euros. Thanks to the loss limitation, however, only 10,000 euros take effect. Despite the red figures, the trader has to pay tax on 10,000 euros.