but i can ask colleagues all over eu, that they register for me
so every eu country possible, with scan of id, proof of residence, and selfie
Also, opening IBAN accounts with fake docs and having a 'irregular' trading pattern will ensure you loose your money as you will never be able to proof you are the actual owner if they require selfie, skype call etc. Also fake docs means fake address (virtual provider) so what happens when the provider highlights similar addresses and start requirering additional compliance checks. Using the advise and companies here means many people are using those layouts and virtual mailbox addresses, and there will be people who use this for nefarious purposes that attracts the attention of law enforcement agencies, thus killing the fun for the others.
So fake docs are a game and not to be used for serious business.
If you earn serious money, you should invest in serious advise and not trust a online forumThere are ways to legitimately lower your tax burden or hide as UBO. If you think that is all too expensive, well then we are only talking about peanuts ....
can you please contact me by pm, I was not able to find a good professional tax advisior in Germany or Austria for my 6 figure monthly business and I stuck here now .. I‘m willing to pay for help thats really not the problem .. Bis bald