List of EMI and Digital Banks

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does somebody have any new banks?
searching banks where i can accept and transfer sepa payments
100% online opening, no letters to receive
iban can be shared, preferred own iban
copy of id, proof of residence and selfie possible

i can pay for information, too
pn me then, but better post it here for the community

where are you based?
It depends very much on which EMI provider you are going to use. For instant LeuPay is complicated after they increased the requirements to documents!
Getting an IBAN with faked docs is problematic.

Also, opening IBAN accounts with fake docs and having a 'irregular' trading pattern will ensure you loose your money as you will never be able to proof you are the actual owner if they require selfie, skype call etc. Also fake docs means fake address (virtual provider) so what happens when the provider highlights similar addresses and start requirering additional compliance checks. Using the advise and companies here means many people are using those layouts and virtual mailbox addresses, and there will be people who use this for nefarious purposes that attracts the attention of law enforcement agencies, thus killing the fun for the others.

So fake docs are a game and not to be used for serious business.

If you earn serious money, you should invest in serious advise and not trust a online forum There are ways to legitimately lower your tax burden or hide as UBO. If you think that is all too expensive, well then we are only talking about peanuts ....
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There are ways to legitimately lower your tax burden or hide as UBO. If you think that is all too expensive, well then we are only talking about peanuts ....
you want to elaborate ?
Contact a professional financial adviser for bespoke advice as tax advice is highly personalised.

As for UBO hiding: Use a suitable nominee service and find a bank that does not require UBO's to come forward, ie one that accepts the nominee as only signatory. It's there, it works. (all within the EU!)
Could somebody please recommend a provider with:
1. personal IBAN (based in europe), statement showing the IBAN
2. remote opening procedure (preferrably quick)

And Leupay won't work for me as I've had enough with them. That is why I need the new one to transfer out of leupay
Hi @zarn Do you live anywhere in Europe? If so, there might be several options.
Please elaborate a bit more on why you've had enough with LeuPay. What did they do to you?
Hi @zarn Do you live anywhere in Europe? If so, there might be several options.
Please elaborate a bit more on why you've had enough with LeuPay. What did they do to you?

They asked me about a previous transfer to me. I told them what it was (repayment of loan). I then signed a document with the other party to send them but from my side I just pasted my signature as I didn't have scanner with me and they replied next day they closing my account. I didn't think it's a big deal to do that considering what matters is that the other side's signature is properly done. I didn't hide that I pasted mine electronically.
Previously had issues with sending money to brokers. Also they even asked me to provide documentation for funds that came back as credit because I cancelled a wire. THey seem to be way to uptight about everything.
Reactions: JohnLocke
Hi again @zarn . Thanks for the detailed answer about Leupay, it seems they are becoming a platform intended just for micropayments.
About the loan repayment, Was it a considerable amount or something under EUR 10,000?
As you live in Europe you can try Wirecard Bank from Germany and Bunq from the Netherlands. They both provide EU IBAN and allow reasonable quick remote opening.
Reactions: diablo
Thank you much for that.
The Loan was 30k. The person paid back 17k. Also I transferred a bigger sum to my spouse and they asked for an invoice for that . I asked them do you seriously want me to invoice my spouse?