List of EMI and Digital Banks

Does anyone have an idea if any of those Digital Banks are cryptocurrency friendly?
Most if not all of them are! They have even the option to buy and sell bitcoins and couldn't care less if you do!

LeuPay sucks crockballs they behave like a bank and can only be used for almost legit and mainstream business. For people and companies struggling to open a real bank account they may be a great alternative.
They are a great alternative to the many listed on first page of this thread! Anyway, they require Video Chat to verify the account which Again Means they are not worth to go with if you want to stay under the radar!
Reactions: Yara Dager
They are a great alternative to the many listed on first page of this thread! Anyway, they require Video Chat to verify the account which Again Means they are not worth to go with if you want to stay under the radar!

I am okay with video verification.. anyone of them has an actual bank account in UK for wiretransfer? I know few UK ones (like Loot, Revolt..) but when you get the IBAN, it is not a UK IBAN
Reactions: belarus
Do you need a UK IBAN specific ? if so why not apply for a UK bank account if you are able to visit the bank?

Yes, a UK IBAN. I was looking for there was a way easier than traveling... I am okay with them seeing me, but want to avoid a trip... I am from the Middle East area... not sure if they will accept to open an account.. thats why i was trying to see if there is an EMI which might be easier
Reactions: belarus
Using the darks to open a account is gambling with your money as it is unclear in which way the whole AEoI/CRS process will impact those accounts. As the account info is faked, you are trusting the reported country does not request more information, and thus get's you account blocked until you perform a form of Identification that you will no be able to perform, thus loosing all your money.

If the EMI does not participate in AEoI/CRS (as most UK based EMI's most like will 'do') there is no reason to use the darks, as you will not be reported anyways.

Back to the UK/GB-IBAN. You need to differentiate between the 'UK internal sort-code' and a SEPA compliant IBAN.
Monese, TransferWise and Revolut provide a 'sort-code'. Sogexia provides a SEPA compliant GB-IBAN.
Well you look at this from a different angel as I do. For me it has been fantastic, and I rather use EMI's to move Money privatly to save places rather than using real documents and risk to get catched.

Thanks MilkyMoon... Do you know if the SEPA compliant GB-IBAN of Sogexia will work for incoming transfer from USA?

I agree about the darks... one block, and you loose the money... I have used this only for PayPal as I reside in a country where paypal does not operate... almost no chance of opening a real paypal account... worked fine.. never kept a big amount there... got few accounts closed, lost a little... but i am no more depending on paypal as they are crooks and deserve dark documents

For taxes, good I am in the Middle East... you pay what you report for... seems will take ages till middle east have something like Europe or USA
Hello is there any EMI outside europe as i am conducting a grey market business games currencies trading my company will be in hong kong but as it's difficult to get a bank account there i was looking for an EMI like leupay for that but i am afraid that europe with there crazy laws get my account closed someday, i don't know if they can do it as my company is in hong kong and my business is not forbidden in the leupay terms of use i am okay with the sharing of the informations as i am not hiding anything .
Do you know if any of them work with Stripe?