can't you use a foreign bank account like online banks as revolut ?I have several personal bank account in UAE but not a business account. If you need a business bank account then you need to rent a real office, real electric/water utility bill(called DEWA). They will cost roughly $10k per year also yearly company fees(min $6-7K), accounting(min $2K), visa etc... You need to spend around yearly $20K for all-inclusive, "proper" company setup. UAE is not a cheap place but the company tax is %0.
Thank you. I am doing this business since 4 years that's why I can able to predict a turnover early. Hopefully, it will go well.
can't you cashout on your personnal account since there is 0% tax ?
What if you own a dubai LLC with a virtual office rent for only 2.5k that you get in bundle with the company formation with most of lawyers? then u cannot own a business bank accunt ?