Hi All,
I'm a Paraguayan resident since 3 years and now I've submitted a demand for the local passport/citizenship.
In the past some noises moved me here with the belief this was an extraterritorial tax country (taf free for my foreign income) but this wasn't fully correct.
After having heard a couple of local tax advisors, I discovered that only income already taxed abroad will be exempted in Paraguay.
I worked a lot for my residency and I'm working to get the passport.
I've invested a lot in terms of time and money but what're the real advantages for my online activity ?
Now I'm buying/selling domain names ... but this income is taxed at 10% if carried to a Paraguayan bank.
I'll be also forced to issue an invoice for any incoming payment or the bank won't accept my funds.
Am I doing something wrong ? Or am I missing some other advantages ?
Ok the local passport is a great thing but it won't beat the advantages of my European passport ...
So I spent months of hard work hoping to have found a tax-free country while now I see I should pay a net 10% but at that point it was much easier opening an European company taxed at 10% ...
I'm collecting some feedback having still the belief I'm missing some possible advantages related to my position.
Thank you.
I'm a Paraguayan resident since 3 years and now I've submitted a demand for the local passport/citizenship.
In the past some noises moved me here with the belief this was an extraterritorial tax country (taf free for my foreign income) but this wasn't fully correct.
After having heard a couple of local tax advisors, I discovered that only income already taxed abroad will be exempted in Paraguay.
I worked a lot for my residency and I'm working to get the passport.
I've invested a lot in terms of time and money but what're the real advantages for my online activity ?
Now I'm buying/selling domain names ... but this income is taxed at 10% if carried to a Paraguayan bank.
I'll be also forced to issue an invoice for any incoming payment or the bank won't accept my funds.
Am I doing something wrong ? Or am I missing some other advantages ?
Ok the local passport is a great thing but it won't beat the advantages of my European passport ...
So I spent months of hard work hoping to have found a tax-free country while now I see I should pay a net 10% but at that point it was much easier opening an European company taxed at 10% ...
I'm collecting some feedback having still the belief I'm missing some possible advantages related to my position.
Thank you.