Is Advcash a decent choice still for crypto -> ATM in EU, UK, and USA?

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I'd like to try the Advanced Cash card, I can live with the fees, IF they don't freeze my account and I can use it for a fairly high volume to purchase something expensive like a car. I've been reading reviews on trustpilot and unfortunately about 23% of the total reviews have 1 star which is concerning.
Hmm that is concerning. I wonder how many here have used them long term? Tho, how many of the TP reviews have legit complaints and how many didn't do things well? Hmmm be good to know the longevity of their accounts etc.
in my opinion p2p exchanges like LB are risky because you may lose the money during the trade if you dealt with scammer . i had 5-6 trades on lb at least one took too long to complete and another my peer tried to legally scam me . i find p2p to be stressful as it depend on communication and trusting strangers those who does these require patience-caution aswell low temper .

advcash is much more automatic , they are run shady exchange to support criminals and money laundry . it's not safe site nowadays to hold money but it was couple of years ago .
but i do trust p2p trades that done live off-site at same time but for serious amounts must bring a gun or just couple of strong people to cover your back in public area . however meeting inside police station is safer .
yes LB would worry me a bit tbh... getting ripped off... or people working for the USA gov using as a bait etc etc
Well you can establish a relation with one trader and then it is less scary and kind of automated too. I dealt with a guy that ran a company, all his details were public, had thousands of reviews and we met in his office so I was not scared at all but I agree if I were to choose 4% fee LB or 4% fee advcash then advcash is more convenient
Reactions: here2learn
yes it depends on dimensions you use to measure risks . lets say i will put paranoia off and trade serious amount i prefer to not trust even if i desperately want to . assuming i don't have other alternatives because he could be a con artist and it would be very easy for him to appear genuine after some talk it's his best interest . internet feedback can be built up on small transactions and even faked by people in his network until someone seems less experienced then he bite his prey . when i was checking LB they never reveal the previous trade amounts just tell you low-high it's kind of bs . in general i don't see platforms/organizations hire people that capable to out smart scammers let alone case by case this just universal .

automatic exchanges does good because there no reasons to all psychological games possible with p2p.
Reactions: here2learn
hahahaha yeah . i agree they reject valid accounts and for no obvious reasons they let fake accounts run for while .
Why not use BTC ATM’S ?
5% commission...and no risk ...
Don't many of these need a photo? Ones I've seen have a camera and need photo/selfie and ID photo? Though I have not used them.

For example one of them says this:

A customer's identity can (optionally) be checked using the fingerprint reader, cellphone number verification, ID card scan, or selfie verification to increase customer cash limits.

Isn't it a bit of a concern to be inputting your sensitive ID and finger print (and likely selfie) on these things?
I've been reading reviews on trustpilot and unfortunately about 23% of the total reviews have 1 star which is concerning.

That's why we respond to most if not all of them Read the responses, we try to provide the details whenever possible. Negative reviews mostly are from people who had a slight verification issue that was eventually resolved (but they got mad enough to leave the 1-star review), or by fraudsters who were suspended for serious violations like credit card fraud and are trying to hurt us in return.

You will not find a single review of a legitimate user whose account or any funds were frozen or anything like that.

Just check people's reviews about ADVCash freezing and blocking accounts for no reason.

No such reviews ever came from legitimate users who play by the ToS. They only come from HYIPs, credit card fraudsters and the like.

they start playing funny games with you as soon as you use something else as the Crypto and Card service they provide

Could you please provide a little more details on this?
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As for the fees and the exchange rates, we sometimes get these complaints, but honestly I'm not sure what the problem is. It works this exact way with any physical currency exchange office in the world, i.e. a business that people run to make money, just like we do. When you're on holiday and you need to exchange your USD for EUR, for instance, do you come up to a booth and see '2% fee' on the board? You don't. They all show 0% fee and they all have their 'own' exchange rates. You don't complain that a currency exchange booth offers you their own retail rate but not the reference rate you see on google, do you? It's a balance between giving you a good enough deal and making some $.

We are no different.

You see the source amount and the target amount after conversion, nothing charged on top of that, and then if you're cool with all this, you confirm. We feel this is transparent and fair.
Personally? I go to the booth and check their rates against the likes of which gets the mid-market rate. At least we can see this, I'm unsure where I can see your rates on your site?

As this - by your own words - gets complaints, why not make it more visible so people can always see your rate>? maybe it IS - I just don't know where (and on your fees page, for example, it just sas 'internal rate' or similar, with no link to check that rate.

So it feels a bit like 'Hey, we'll exchange your money, we wopn't charge you a fee, but we will use our own exchange rate, and we won't tell you what that is'...

Do you see the concern with that? Seems not very transparent. Sure, businesses are there to make money, so why not be open about the rates?

Again, there may be a place to see these rates, I just couldn't see it on your pricing page.

Why not link to them from places like your pricing page - if these are complaints that come up often, quash them! Be up front.

From my own perspective? I expect you to make money! That's fine - I just want to know what the exchange rate is so I know how much the deal will COST ME - and I don't want to be made to work hard to find that out... Kinda fair, really no?
Reactions: Singa
All those exchanges u see on holiday offering 0% fee are tourists traps and most if not all of their profits come from taking advantage of clueless tourists. Do you consider your business to be a tourist trap? Because that's what you just said "We are no different"

This reminds me of this video where some exchanges advertised "0% commission" but if you exchange your money you get 42% less than what you're supposed to get haha.
Reactions: JohnLocke
So it feels a bit like 'Hey, we'll exchange your money, we wopn't charge you a fee, but we will use our own exchange rate, and we won't tell you what that is'...

We do actually show some of the rates.
The rates for selling crypto are there.

As for the reverse rate, it depends on many factors and changes depending on the amount and the crypto providers used for this specific transaction, so too many technical details in the background to display a uniform rate that would apply to everyone. In many ways this is purely technical.

We do show some rates on the external website in the header tho.

In the new version of the platform, the exchange rates will be placed more prominently.

As for transparency, it's perfectly transparent when you see the amount you pay and the amount you get with no hidden fees.

A question, what payment platform displays their fee separately for currency exchange and for crypto? Genuinely curious.
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This reminds me of this video where some exchanges advertised "0% commission" but if you exchange your money you get 42% less than what you're supposed to get haha.

Don't split hairs. It works the same way with any exchange office, not just the tourist trap ones. You've never used a normal exchange office? I certainly have, no complaints.

BTW I know the situation in Prague very well, it would actually be very insulting for us to be compared with these guys. We show the amount you pay and the amount you get, not sure how that could be a trap.
Okay one last question then, if I use your services, do I get a breakdown of how much I'll get (say, putting crypto in and I want to withdraw on card) BEFORE I commit to the transaction?

Using your example, at an exchange I'm told exactly the currency I'll receive and I can easily check that against, say, or other source and decide if the convenience is worth the cost before committing.

All I'm trying to find out, really, is if I can find out the cost (so in this example I put let's say XBT into Advcash, then draw out in EUR in the EU, USD in USA, or GBP in GB)???

OR when I go to cash-out, say 250 euro from a cash machine, do I not know at all how much XBT will be withdrawn from my account?

Am not trying to criticise your service, am trying to understand it as I may actually use it! Happy to trade convenience for some cost, just keen to get an idea of what the cost is, or if I can at least find out when doing the transaction, before I do.

Hope this makes sense?
Hmmm so at the moment BTC is worth:

- $57,885.20

Yet on Advcash if I sell 1 BTC I will only get:

- $55,458.37 (according to the site)

That's a lot... around:

- $2427 (ish) difference. - around 4.5% ish..Okay...

- BUT then there's the 3.5% withdrawal fee on the card I think?

@ADV - is anything wrong with my calculation above, or is it accurate (I accept BTC value will change etc but the above was correct at time of writing. Just trying to get an IDEA of the %rate it'll cost me for, say, 1 BTC deposited and withdraw over a few weeks to spend).

Thanks, your answer to this will really help me to understand.
- $55,458.37 (according to the site)

Here's a screenshot of the Sell Crypto section I took just now, it's 57 something thousand, not 55.

Withdrawals to external Visa/MC credit cards are indeed 3.5% (currently feature under maintenance, should come back this or next week).

There are other withdrawal options, like loading a EUR/USD Advcash card for the EU for 0.95%.


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ADVCash will ask you about a trillion documents (AML and those lies), they have that Sick Soviet mentality and ask about every single detail of your private and personal life. I don't recommend them unless you don't have a problem giving away your documents to the Russian-Lithuanian Mafia. f**k those idiots. First Gibraltar, now Belize and suspended by Mastercard. They are so full of s**t. f**k those criminals.
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