As for the fees and the exchange rates, we sometimes get these complaints, but honestly I'm not sure what the problem is. It works this exact way with any physical currency exchange office in the world, i.e. a business that people run to make money, just like we do. When you're on holiday and you need to exchange your USD for EUR, for instance, do you come up to a booth and see '2% fee' on the board? You don't. They all show 0% fee and they all have their 'own' exchange rates. You don't complain that a currency exchange booth offers you their own retail rate but not the reference rate you see on google, do you? It's a balance between giving you a good enough deal and making some $.
We are no different.
You see the source amount and the target amount after conversion, nothing charged on top of that, and then if you're cool with all this, you confirm. We feel this is transparent and fair.
Personally? I go to the booth and check their rates against the likes of which gets the mid-market rate. At least we can see this, I'm unsure where I can see your rates on your site?
As this - by your own words - gets complaints, why not make it more visible so people can always see your rate>? maybe it IS - I just don't know where (and on your fees page, for example, it just sas 'internal rate' or similar, with no link to check that rate.
So it feels a bit like 'Hey, we'll exchange your money, we wopn't charge you a fee, but we will use our own exchange rate, and we won't tell you what that is'...
Do you see the concern with that? Seems not very transparent. Sure, businesses are there to make money, so why not be open about the rates?
Again, there may be a place to see these rates, I just couldn't see it on your pricing page.
Why not link to them from places like your pricing page - if these are complaints that come up often, quash them! Be up front.
From my own perspective? I expect you to make money! That's fine - I just want to know what the exchange rate is so I know how much the deal will COST ME - and I don't want to be made to work hard to find that out... Kinda fair, really no?