Irresponsible living expenses shot up to the moon, is it a crack down on the World?

No, you clearly did not understand a word that I said. It is not a "flawed" system. It is an unnatural, skewed system rigged by the government. Consult the dictionary definition of capitalism:

This is someone who does not consider a "skewed" economic system to be a flawed If an "unnatural" and "rigged" system is not a flawed system then that is a bad understanding of capitalism or at very least failure to under the flaws of capitalist economies.

At very least google "capitalism boom bust cycle" to increase your understanding a little. Not trying to be hard on you or rude but just pointing out the flaws in your pun intended.

Please calm down everyone, if you don't monkeypox will get you and they predict over 200 million deaths by December 2023.

I am quite familiar with the boom-and-bust cycles of capitalism, which previously resulted in financial panics, recessions, and the cleansing of the dead wood in the economy. What we are now experiencing is not that. It is a form of socialism.

As I previously pointed out, the definition of capitalism does not include control of the economy by the state: "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state." This is what you fail to understand.

Because of artificially low interest rates and cheap money, caused by government intervention, zombie businesses are no longer allowed to fail -- and Wall Street reaps massive illegitimate gains at the expense of Main Street, causing income inequality.

You discuss the topic from the perspective of a leftist, acting as though massive government intervention and the resulting serious financial distortions of the markets is normal. That is not capitalism. It is socialism.

Perhaps a graphic image will help.

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You discuss the topic from the perspective of a leftist, acting as though massive government intervention and the resulting serious financial distortions of the markets is normal. That is not capitalism. It is socialism.
you are right, but does it differ? What the shitheads in the governments plan is over what we can imagine.
you are right, but does it differ? What the shitheads in the governments plan is over what we can imagine.
It differs because saying that capitalism is the problem only leads to far greater levels of socialism. That is exactly what happened in the wake of the 2008-2009 great recession. That financial panic was directly caused by government intervention, which then resulted in even more government intervention. It created the disastrous economic situation that we have today, which can only end in tremendous financial pain.

Only when an enraged voting public demands a return to real capitalism can things change for the better. Unfortunately, it may take a financial collapse for people to awaken from their stupor. Even then, there is only a 50/50 probability of a return to sanity, because people like Martin will blame capitalism -- leading to yet more socialism and to greater government control of the economy.

Just look at price controls. In all of human history, going back to the time of the Romans, price controls have never worked (even under pain of death), but it keeps rearing its ugly head. Some liberal politicians in the U.S. are now calling for price controls in the face of rising inflation.

These cycles are timeless. An informed citizenry is the only hope of escaping these anti-capitalist cycles as quickly as possible. Anyone blaming these economic problems on capitalism is part of the problem.
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I am quite familiar with the boom-and-bust cycles of capitalism, which previously resulted in financial panics, recessions, and the cleansing of the dead wood in the economy.

Then I rest my case and day no more .
Then I rest my case and day no more .
That cleansing process is a positive aspect of capitalism (creative destruction) that punishes the stupid and the greedy while protecting the life savings of the cautious and the thrifty, which they then invest in the newly reinvigorated, booming economy. It is a natural cycle of death and rebirth.

By contrast, today's socialist economic systems reward the reckless and the greedy at the expense of savers and retirees -- with the distinct possibility of a total collapse of the economic system.

These economic principles are so basic and fundamental that I must assume that you have a socialist agenda.
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These economic principles are so basic and fundamental that I must assume that you have a socialist agenda.

My critique of capitalism does not make me Comrad Martin Everson .

Anyway back to topic.
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