This is someone who does not consider a "skewed" economic system to be a flawed If an "unnatural" and "rigged" system is not a flawed system then that is a bad understanding of capitalism or at very least failure to under the flaws of capitalist economies.
At very least google "capitalism boom bust cycle" to increase your understanding a little. Not trying to be hard on you or rude but just pointing out the flaws in your pun intended.
I am quite familiar with the boom-and-bust cycles of capitalism, which previously resulted in financial panics, recessions, and the cleansing of the dead wood in the economy. What we are now experiencing is not that. It is a form of socialism.
As I previously pointed out, the definition of capitalism does
not include control of the economy by the state: "an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit,
rather than by the state." This is what you fail to understand.
Because of artificially low interest rates and cheap money, caused by government intervention, zombie businesses are no longer allowed to fail -- and Wall Street reaps massive illegitimate gains at the expense of Main Street, causing income inequality.
You discuss the topic from the perspective of a leftist, acting as though massive government intervention and the resulting serious financial distortions of the markets is normal. That is not capitalism. It is socialism.
Perhaps a graphic image will help.