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Instant citizenship through marriage with a capeverdian.

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Since I got a few PMs about Argentina here is a little further clarification Re: Marriage / Citizenship in Argentina:

Citizenship is actually decided by courts, not immigration, and immigration only plays a small role in naturalization procedures. Since judges seem to have a larger than normal say in approvals/denials, it IS a possibility. I am not saying ALL applications get rejected of people who don't live in Argentina. All I meant was that current cases show that denials are more likely in a case where applicants don't make Argentina their home. The burden of proof part is nowhere near as strict as things in Brazil for example. They go crazy, honestly, to a never seen/heard extent (besides the usual stuff, even down to the smallest stuff you would never think of, such as asking for receipts for food purchases/orders) for the past few years. Not to mention that your CPF is requested if you go to a paid toiled (sort of)... It is completely nuts...

Anyway, back to Argentina: A report from immigration gets attached to your case file that the judge reviews and that will have all your entry/exit data (it is all in their computer system even all the domestic flights you take). The certificado de domicilio is also getting easier to obtain and in some parts are even skipped now completely (this is for the beginning stages of things of course).

For additional proof the government of Argentina seems to be really big on is anything OFFICIAL that has stamp / seal on with a date by a person of authority (I keep the specific examples to myself at this point). I can't get into more details on a public forum, since I have to make a living subsequently, now don't I?! ;)

Hope this helps!

PLENTY of benefits actually, even though at first look it may not be as attractive to some:

- If you don't live there then you can get your tax exempt status at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that you can hand over to your bank and they update your file accordingly. Voila, tax-exempt income!
- Most of the biggest banks there Caixa, BCA...etc are connected to Remitly (a popular money sending service from the USA) so getting paid is an instant and easy way! As a citizen, opening an account is a breeze other than taking a number and don't mind going back 4 hours later to see if your number has gotten any closer LOL
- Tight connections with Portugal
- African country. Since most of us have passports from first world countries, this gives an excellent diversification tool to your visa-free list of countries to visit! Many places you go in Africa the visa process will be costly and lengthy (weeks to a month).
- Visa-free travel to Russia (yes, yes, don't even start... I get you don't want to go there tomorrow, but you get a passport for long-term strategic planning)
- Probably the most "European" African country. They have many treaties with the EU and the Government's long-lived dream is to be part of the EU / Schengen zone. (They have a few more decade's worth of work ahead of them but it is not an impossible dream).

A few other minor things I could say but it is time to go back to my work. Hope this helps!
What is wrong with Brazil, I saw someone recently who got it in one year via civil union that too without any crazy checks or issues.
Simple entry records for immigration... it is all computerized. At major airports your passport is scanned and you are fingerprinted. No other records checked (such as the ones mentioned by you since residency is not officially a requirement they just want to know you are inside the country for the most part, short trips out are okay).

There is a way to skip the fingerprinting process LEGALLY (if you know the system) but your passport is always scanned and processed upon border entry. I DID hear from a friend of a friend who is a dear friend of that friend that it happened before where the person who applied for citizenship entered the country officially and then left the country without being processed and the same way came back in unprocessed... but you know, those things are illegal.
There is a way around. But I will not publish it here. As I am not willing to help someone to bypass security system of Argentina :-)
I think you can convert yourself into Judaism and gain Israel citizenship
Maybe it's easier way than fake marriage
Israel gives you a temporary citizenship for first 2-3 years. You recive a passport with a different colour for this time.
If you spend 270+ days per year in a first 2 or 3 years, you are granted a full citizenship and a new oassport with a standard colour.
During temporary citizenship has a person to become integrated into the society. You have to study a language, culture, ...
You are under review all the time. Yoi have your own "mentor" who is responsible for your integration into society. There is bo way how to obtain israeli citizenship and do not live there afterwords.
If you do not spend enough time in Israel, or if you are not integrated into society, or if you commit a crime or even any serious civil delict, citizenship is revoked and you have to leave Israel.
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There is a way around. But I will not publish it here. As I am not willing to help someone to bypass security system of Argentina :-)
why not, and why post if you don't want to elaborate?
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its not that these things are highly secretive ;)
not everyone is an expert so for most here it is still secretive and would be interesting to learn the ways
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