Yeah , and i need you guys as you know more than 99.9 of any attorneys.
Basically I was working for 20 years as a "digital hustler" , selling SEO link, pageranks, building pageranks, and many others things. I was always feeling I can get into troube, like for "frauding the results in google", :brushteeth::brushteeth::brushteeth:, now i know this will be a joke.
but we do bigger and bigger things, like buying google adwords accounts, to create ads, we let the bills with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names unpaid.... google doesn't care...
So ... my problem is this. I have 200 000$ in
revolut, and Romanian Authorithies , the
IRS of Romania wants to do a "FInancial Jihad" ... because 10% of working population earned 20 billions in 5 yeaars without paying a tax on it.
What can I do now? I am in European Union, i can choose any country. Where i can change my residency for 2-3 years at less, so they will not care i have 200 000 in my account and never paid 1$ in tax.
yes, i know i was stupid. and there is no coming back from this. i can even face jail , but they with their penalties and interest rates they will take all my money. ALL. or even more.
Money are already 3 years old. The rest i keep in
stable coins.
Sometimes I think I should run even in US for a while, because they will not care about my 200 000$, lol
in Romania now they ask a lot of questions for everyone. if they see you had 400$ in a
bank account they will ask bank statements for 5 years , and a lot of others questions. they mass interrogate the population.