I did it all wrong...what can I do now? :(


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Jul 6, 2022
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Yeah , and i need you guys as you know more than 99.9 of any attorneys.

Basically I was working for 20 years as a "digital hustler" , selling SEO link, pageranks, building pageranks, and many others things. I was always feeling I can get into troube, like for "frauding the results in google", :brushteeth::brushteeth::brushteeth:, now i know this will be a joke.

but we do bigger and bigger things, like buying google adwords accounts, to create ads, we let the bills with ⊗⊗⊗⊗ names unpaid.... google doesn't care...

So ... my problem is this. I have 200 000$ in revolut, and Romanian Authorithies , the IRS of Romania wants to do a "FInancial Jihad" ... because 10% of working population earned 20 billions in 5 yeaars without paying a tax on it.

What can I do now? I am in European Union, i can choose any country. Where i can change my residency for 2-3 years at less, so they will not care i have 200 000 in my account and never paid 1$ in tax.

yes, i know i was stupid. and there is no coming back from this. i can even face jail , but they with their penalties and interest rates they will take all my money. ALL. or even more.

Money are already 3 years old. The rest i keep in stable coins.

Sometimes I think I should run even in US for a while, because they will not care about my 200 000$, lol

in Romania now they ask a lot of questions for everyone. if they see you had 400$ in a bank account they will ask bank statements for 5 years , and a lot of others questions. they mass interrogate the population.
Properly hide the money and run away before they catch you.
Just running away is not a solution . Where can I go , before my account will be reported to their investigiation , i am very sure they will ask the CRS for Revolut, as 2 millions Romanians use it, and they really want a "jihad" where "sneaky people will be punished" . If I go to USA they will care about 100 000 cash and 100 000 in stocks for example?
Buy gold and Rolexes, hide it and move to Latin America, never ever return to Romania or EU again.

Have some friends or family ship it to you there - if needed, sell some gold, buy crypto and pay them for a flight to take a rolex or two with them.

Paraguay is an option maybe? Try to get a new passport, change your name, etc.

Others, please correct me if what I'm suggesting is totally dumb and not gonna work
They will care but they will most likely not launch an international attack on you. As long as you stay outside of Romania and keep the money SAFU you will be fine.
Reactions: Jerry1911
Switzerland has actually great benefits for people like you in the EU - otherwise, yeah, the USA is a good alternative, I doubt you will get any residency permit there.
He didn’t steal $4bn So he doesn’t need to take such radical measures
Reactions: daxbr and Eldorado
but 200K is something. If you want to fly that to the US as some suggested you will need to get it into crypto or Gold or Rolex.

Since it is Revolut, you may easily convert it to some sort of stable coin USDT or USDC and relocate asap.
By moving his a*s to some Timbuktu in Latin America OP would solve 3 problems at once:

- he wouldn't have to live through the upcoming food & energy crisis and probably lockdowns for monkeypox or covid again or some other bulls**t they come up with.
- he would get a 2nd passport via naturalisation if he stays long enough.
- he wouldn't have to worry about Romanian taxman coming after him and possible criminal sentence.

At least that's what I'd do if I were OP.

He didn’t steal $4bn So he doesn’t need to take such radical measures
In that case I would suggest plastic surgery and fingerprint removal
Fully agree, but I would rather choose the Dominican Republic if I wanted a more comfortable life at cheap price.
Reactions: jafo and Jerry1911
By moving his a*s to some Timbuktu in Latin America OP would solve 3 problems at once:
Fully agree, but I would rather choose the Dominican Republic if I wanted a more comfortable life at cheap price.
Can you just fly in there, say hey I'm here and will settle down. No application procedures or anything?
Well they probaly know you have 200.000 USD in Revolut, since Revolut recently joined CRS, and perhaps thats why the tax authorities now wants to do a jihad on you?

Not me,but on 560 000 romanains. they did not said anything about revolut. maybe they did not got the CRS yet, as CRS is sent at the final of the year.
if I am not wrong CRS only send the account balance, so i can buy more stocks/gold, and let the account at zero ? will that report back to the "country" i will select as tax residency zero ?
if I am not wrong CRS only send the account balance, so i can buy more stocks/gold, and let the account at zero ? will that report back to the "country" i will select as tax residency zero ?
Correct, CRS only sends account balance. And Revolut is not necessarily CRS compliant, at least not if you accept the transfer to Revolut Bank which they have been shoving down people's throats recently.
If they will put me to pay , i will have to pay, i will better pay then live like a ghost (no bank,etc) But i just want to go somewhere where it will be forgotten about it. If I choose a new country , and submit new documents to Revolut they will report there. and maybe they will not care about what i did 3 ,4 ,5 years ago, or even 1 year before going to their country.

Can you just fly in there, say hey I'm here and will settle down. No application procedures or anything?

If I don't a resident card, to put on revolut, they can just send data back to romania. romanians will then ask for bankstaments 5 to 6 years old!
Can you just fly in there, say hey I'm here and will settle down. No application procedures or anything?
You can arrive on a tourist visa and overstay for as long as you want... plenty of people who overstay for years. You can easily apply for a residence permit, and if needed fix your overstay by paying a fine
Reactions: Eldorado
Correct, CRS only sends account balance. And Revolut is not necessarily CRS compliant, at least not if you accept the transfer to Revolut Bank which they have been shoving down people's throats recently.

Can you tell me if I open an account, do 50 000 $ in transactins on it, then leave the account at 0 at the end of the zero, they will report back i have an account with 0 ?
Why dont you sent your money to Wise?
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