I see. Yeah, you can easily get a residence permit by being employed, however, in my case, I don't need nor want to be employed. I just need to be able to stay there for 183+ days to become a tax resident and pay 0% in capital gains/income tax on crypto/fiat exchange (yes, I'm aware it's not just staying there 183+ days, but to also cut all ties with my current country).
I was thinking of becoming a sole trader (sole proprietor) and pay health insurance and social security, however, I can't really find any info about this one, is it really that simple to just become a sole trader and then easily get a residence permit immediately? Will I have to prove that I'm making any money or will they be happy with just me paying them the social security and health insurance (+ maybe an affidavit proving that I have enough funds to support myself and not be a "burden" on their society?)?