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How to launch satellites in orbit

Ofc, not one LEO or GEO is enough and not only because of the regional coverage or lack of it - it's about redundancy and resilience.

But, why GEO? And, what is the purpose? It's okay for Inmarsat, but nothing else
One GEO is enough as it can be accessed from half of the planet. I don’t want to send a constellation of satellites into LEO. Redundancy can be achieved within the same satellite.
One GEO is enough as it can be accessed from half of the planet. I don’t want to send a constellation of satellites into LEO. Redundancy can be achieved within the same satellite.

Several dozen of LEO satellites will cost as one GEO. The price difference is due to launch vehicle.

Just to be extra safe, the satellite will contain a data destruction device Patent for secure erasing of data (which of course also works in space and can be activated from Earth)

CA or HA setup may be configured, but it's prudent to have location redundancy, not only component one.