He used the Wise account for payment for a crypto-related operation what is clearly against their Terms of Service.
I do not like Wise at all and I am not recommending using it to anyone; but in this particular case, Wise is not guilty.
As per the others experience (search the forum), shortest time is ~ 2 weeks... Good luck.
Of course they cannot hold your money unless there is a reasonable probability that the money are somehow related to a criminal activity. (I think there is not.)
Yes. The only problem is that the compliance department is bend by AML regulations to investigate whether it was just a breach of ToS or something more serious (a criminal activity). Of course that it is misused (over-used) in many cases; the underpowered compliance depts are under strong pressure not to overlook anything and are reluctant to risk literally anything.
Lesson: Never,
really never perform any action that is probable to trigger compliance investigation. Especially with the institution like Wise that is driven by AI and trained monkeys and not by qualified humans