how to benefit in times of crises - COVID-19 - Corona

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OP, never forget what they did to people in Cyprus (UE-SSR) in the 'name of the greater good'.
What did they do exactly? You mean this?

imposing a one-time bank deposit levy on all uninsured deposits there, and possibly around 48% of uninsured deposits in the Bank of Cyprus (the island's largest commercial bank). A minority proportion of it held by citizens of other countries (many of whom from Russia), who preferred Cypriot banks because of their higher interest on bank account deposits, relatively low corporate tax, and easier access to the rest of the European banking sector. This resulted in numerous insinuations by US and European media, which presented Cyprus as a 'tax haven' and suggested that the prospective bailout loans were meant for saving the accounts of Russian depositors.[4][5] No insured deposit of €100,000 or less would be affected

Even if US decides to take a haircut from all the money in banks, there would be a lower bound, like $250K or something. Right? Luckily I'm not rich enough to worry about that yet lol. And USD can just keep printing money to save its a*s, no?

About the cattle thing, most efficient way of exploiting cattle is by making them function as well as possible so they can pay tax as long and as much as possible. I don't know who has the power in the world but it is in their best interest to make the system continue functioning, so they can continue exploiting their cattle. No?
I don't agree. Valuations of assets are still too damn high for 'them' (grandpa Warren is king). Better get blood and then buy...I mean, after WWII (a textbook case of re-balancing supply and demand the hard way), those who loaned/bought at the beginning of the reconstruction process got much higher return that those who joined in on the action later (better to go from 0 to 5 than from 7 to 10, in the former you've got NO risk). Never mind today...the system needs rebooting and after that, with valuations way lower, 'they' will lend you a hand (or anyone who's survived this). Mad Max you call me? Possible...and again, I hope I'm way wrong here. But looking at the market cap of bloody stoxxic markets, I see it still is 109% over total GDP (was at 156% 1 month ago, crazy s**t) if we are to get to the 2008 point (where it got to 50% of total GDP ), we're still 56% overvalued...let that sink it for just a second...after all the helicopter bazooka and whatever you want to call it they have already thrown at it which apparently is not making a dent on stopping the freefall.... So basically, out of bloody ammo andfurther (much further) room to go down...suicidal anyone? This, if it is not "it", it will get very close to being the "it" moment....Damn it, watch Wall Street 2, Gordon Gekko told you (as well as he did in the 1st part) what was going to happen (there will be a turning point, like the Tulipmania, he says). I can't help but admire how Joollywood tells those who want to listen, and well in advance, what is going to happen...first with the 'greed' mentality, then with the 'tulipmania' fall....unbelievable
Another tinfoil tier post. When these start popping up, time to buy the dip.
So warren buffet is stupid with his $160bn cash pile in US What is stupid is buying overvalued stocks to try and beat inflation. Look what just happened to fools right now who followed that strategy in S&P
They aren't fools, buying S&P was almost always a good idea.
Market dips come every 10 years or so, we were overdue.
What happened is natural and great opp to buy more stocks.
Tinfoilers will disagree and pretend they are right about their conspiracy ideas when they were wrong for 12 years.
Broken clock.
Also "this time different" fallacy claiming this time stock market will fall and never recover.
It has always recovered historically and chances that this time world ends from virus are slim.
You will see that in 2030 marke twill most likely be at all time highs again.
Cut the tinfoils pls
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Historically S&P recovered 100% of the time, but in 2020 it will be end of world and never recover, because "reasons", right? Got that, seems logical to me.
Again, show me your long SP positions from your broker or just STFU. Just because someone doesn't think in your sheepish lines isn't a signal you can look over anybody's shoulder. You can shove your virtue signalling wherever your body deem most alleviating.
You wan't be to dox myself?
I hold world stock index long.
Those are my positions. If I screenshotted them how would that convince you? You know I can open chrome in developer mode and change all data right?

Don't evade refuting my argument on how this will be "Different than in last 100 years" and why this time in 2020 is "special" and why stocks won't recover and why in 2030 they will definitely be lower and not at all time high. I have all day and am patiently waiting for your constructive rebuttal to all of my points, Mr. Tinfoiler.

Just the pure biased anger from your post emits signals that your brain somewhat knows I am right and instead of posting constructive rebuttal with logical arguments you quickly jump to ad hominem fallacy.

Please educate yourself on something other than ZeroHedge:
What's a reconstruction process? They don't really need that because they can just print more money, inflate prices of rent, healthcare, food, etc, create more distruption in society via divorces, faggotry, promiscuity, broken homes, etc. But humans are greedy so you might be right.

In what scenario would they lend me a hand, exactly? Can you give some examples?

They're already exploiting people heavily. How can they exploit people even more?

Why does the system need rebooting? Overvaluation is irrelevant. What's relevant is the comparative valuation to other countries or things like that. Not past. No?

This crisis is will be worse than 2008, 95, 01 combined I think. But I don't think SPIC and FDIC will be effected negatively, unless you need money immediately.
I always love snake oil salesmen calling other people names. Like a cult leader, works like a charm. You sure you ain't got any cult going on there? lol ... I can't talk someone out of his opinion when his lunch money depends on it, and this must be one of those cases. I'm sure that the 14 years that took after the 1929 crash to jsut get to BREAK EVEN mean nothing to you (and valuations on real estate and other assets were MUCH LOWER than it is today!). I'll take another wild a former life of yours, back in 1929, you were a young yuppy stockbroker, who, after the first shock in October of that year, suggested to all your clients that panic was over and it was a great buying opportunity...but alas, they had all been wiped out and gave you the 'mop-treatment'.

I don't think you're in the markets for real, so I'm gonna close this futile conversation here (since you know it all, but haven't got a clue what to do with the knowledge). If you read my posts other than to call me names (are you over 18 yet?), you'll distinctly realize what I mentioned about TMC vs World GDP... if that doesn't scare in the slightest bit, then you're....well, what you really are, a psychopathic moron.

And if you don't even pay attention to the draconian measures imposed in the so-called developed world, where people CAN'T GET OUT OF THEIR HOMES, and are unable to connect the dots, then I'm sorry, I can't help you. And thanks, but I don't need any website to tell me what to think...I'm seeing people desperate enough around not knowing how they will LIVE after this, and getting the sense the governments are playing some very stupid game here, to get the picture for myself. I hope you stay safe, with that arrogance around you might get hurt...

PS: About that 'chrome editing' s**t, talk to my hand, man...again, are you over 18 yet? you just have to show a screenshot from your broker's platform, the idiocy of it all...
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1. Market timing doesn't work. On average statistically it is profitable to invest in stock market.
2. No, 14 years drawdown doesn't matter to me, because 14 years is a short period of time. And you conveniently ignored dividends and reinvestment of dividends. I'm investing for 35 years and potentially longer to pass on the stock portfolio to my offspring. So no, it doesn't matter. And you are also suggesting that I bought at absolute peak, which is not the case. You are also suggesting that this time it will be definitely as bad as 1929, because "magical reasons".
3. Even if it was even worse than 1929, then it won't really matter, since if economy does not recover and actually keeps dropping to hell then we will have BIGGER PROBLEMS THAN MONEY to worry about.
4. What are alternatives? Holding cash? Fed will print trillions, your cash will devalue. Where will that printed cash go? The stock market.
5. Gold? Give me a break: in fact, gold even dropped during this.
6. Bitcoin? Similar to gold, but actually more useful, because you can buy drugs online with it.
7. Real estate?
8. Bonds?
9. Oil? (actually might not be a bad speculative bet to buy oil this low).

What is your genius plan?

More ad hominem use confirming you lack arguments thus resort to common ad hominem bias. Nice digging you own grave there, Tinfoilmaxxer

I like to buy businesses, all of them, because I know that over time (30+ years) new tech will be uncovered increasing productivity of mankind and thus forwarding the stock market growth even further + dividend reinvestments and magic of compounding.

And if you don't even pay attention to the draconian measures imposed in the so-called developed world, where people CAN'T GET OUT OF THEIR HOMES, and are unable to connect the dots, then I'm sorry, I can't help you.
Again, none argument. I can connect the dots and that is why I'm telling it is smart to buy the total world stock market dip right now aa VACCINE will be found eventually and there are ALREADY WORKING cures and total market has PRICED IN the lockdown and it will EVENTUALLY recover. You can tell me with a straight face that humans will still be in their apartments in lockdown in 2030? Really?
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How can you tell it was days away from going bust in last crisis?

See for yourself here at the FDIC balance sheet from third quarter

They aren't fools, buying S&P was almost always a good idea.

They are fools. You don't buy an overvalued The S&P has been overvalued for some years sadly. You make money by buying low and selling high. The entire market has for some years been buying high and looking for a bigger fool. The stock prices are driven by low interest rates, free cash and share buy backs. Half the companies in the S&P 500 are not making any money in reality. A couple of years ago when I checked, just over 6% of the companies listed on the S&P 500 accounted for 50% of all its profit. So why buy a whole town with just 3 good houses for

You can wait till 2030. I mean a broken clock is always right at least twice a I prefer fundamentals analysis rather than looking at patterns in a
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They are fools. You don't buy an overvalued
"Overvalued" is a meme.
It is not an argument. Hindsight is 2020.
You say it is overvalued now when it has fallen, but if it had risen 2x, would the previous valuation would still be "overvalued"?
Almost nobody can time the market.
For long term holding (30+ years) index funds have been usually the best risk wise investment.

You make money by buying low and selling high.
Nobody can time the market. Ok, few can, but you are not one of them, because the one who can leverage the hell out of it, get their yachts and their billions and run their hedge funds. People on this forum can gamble and get lucky and shout about "overvalued stock market" for 12 years and then clap hands that they are right after 12 years of upside when in reality it's broken clock to the max.

The entire market has for some years been buying high and looking for a bigger fool.
You can say this for:
- Oil
- Bitcoin
- Gold
- Bonds
- Real estate
It is a meaningless statement. If you had bought in 2015 when everyone also thought market was "overvalued", you'd still be up even if you bought the dip now.

If you think you are so smart and can perfectly determine if market is sor not overvalued, show me your 12 page PDF prospectus with this analysis.

Please tell me, which metrics (in numbers please) are you using right now to determine AS OF NOW (18.03.2020) is S&P500 market overvalued or undervalued?

Surely, if you knew market was overvalued you have the capacity to determine if it is overvalued right now.

Patiently waiting for your detailed answer.

You can wait till 2030. I mean a broken clock is always right at least twice a I prefer fundamentals analysis rather than looking at patterns in a

Excellent, please let me know your fundamental analysis to determine the current valuation of market is it OVERVALUED or UNDERVALUED. Thank you.
You say it is overvalued now when it has fallen, but if it had risen 2x, would the previous valuation would still be "overvalued"?

Read my posts on this forum. You can't say I said it now markets have fallen. I have said it was overvalued a while ago. See below quote from me from Sept 2019:

Nobody can time the market.

I have. Just read my posts on financial predictions. I have warned also on banks and EMI's and everything has come to pass except EPB bank....yet . You will see I know exactly what I am talking about if you read my posts.

You can say this for:
- Oil
- Bitcoin
- Gold
- Bonds
- Real estate

I did say this. Search the I said we are in an everything bubble more than once on here . Facts and time stamps on when I said things and made predictions on this forum don't lie. Btw I don't guess these things. There is analysis You can start a new forum group on here if you want to get technical on markets with me.

If you think you are so smart and can perfectly determine if market is sor not overvalued, show me your 12 page PDF prospectus with this analysis.

Why would I have a 12 page PDF prospectus and for who?

Don't get upset when someone is consistently right. Learn and enrich yourself from the free knowledge I have given you. Look up my old posts and see for yourself what will happen in the future .

If you followed my posts back then you would have made money now and not be trying to discredit
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Does the name "IMF" , a global financial institution, sound familiar to you? Do you know when it was created? That's the starting point...
You are part of the cattle. You are exploited best if the current system continues as is. The best way to exploit is through deception and deception is constructed best within a working system. This is the way to maximize exploitation of YOUR resources, wealth, energy, brain power, and what your kids can offer in every way. For that reason, the system is going to be protected. There won't be some doomsday. That's retarded, just like the way you construct your arguments.
What that means is if you're an American, say bye bye to your money at US banks & brokers? lol However one can only imagine the government would have stepped in at the 11th hour maybe. However this time around the Fed themselves are offering up to $1trn to cover commercial paper which forms the basis for a lot of US MM deposits. So they have in effect bailed out the MM market.

I am waiting for them now to pledge to effectively bail out the US Bond market. Lot of US companies especially in oil and gas that issued junk bonds. That may mean the US shale industry may vanish if not rescued or oil prices rise back up as those bonds will default. Perhaps its time for a false flag attack on Saudi Arabia oil facilities to raise oil prices . That should fix that problem maybe. Sadly thats the way the world works.
I WISH I studied finance in school because I can't understand how Americans would lose their money in banks, as long as there are no bank runs. FDIC was created to prevent a second great depression (in terms of people losing bank deposits). I can't understand why FDIC would fail at its most basic function.

US still has the geography and military advantage. They can just f**k s**t up to save their a*s. That's what you're saying right? lol
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