How on earth is EUSSR still standing?

People are escaping and word is getting out. But for most its their comfort zone that holds them back or Stockholm syndrome.
is this forum slowly turning into russian propaganda ?

You may find that on the internet people have different opinions you may not agree with.

Also not sure also how Russia came into this unless your being sarcastic .
Taxed to death, highly bureaucratic, entrepreneurial spirit destroyed, handouts to the undeserving and so on. Even on vacation I feel suffocated, one can just feel it in the air, most of the continent just feels off.
Such constellations should increase the market which shall not to be seen by the eternally watching eye of Ursula.
By force of course. The occult pedo oligarchy will simply f**k up your supply chains and access to transactions if you change course. Ask the Greeks how it is being 5 days without atms. That is until they hold the grip on those. Which is not for much longer.
It's notable how highly partisan people on both sides of an issue, will immediately conclude that those of use who are skeptical of both sides are somehow allied to the other side.

Taxed to death, highly bureaucratic, entrepreneurial spirit destroyed, handouts to the undeserving and so on. Even on vacation I feel suffocated, one can just feel it in the air, most of the continent just feels off.

Do you see an urban vs rural difference?

It seems to me that many rural dwellers across Europe want to protect the rights and culture they grew up with while many urbanites want to move to some new kind of collectivist utopia, reminiscent of the early 20th century thinking that brought misery to billions of people.
Reactions: vonudimh
It's notable how highly partisan people on both sides of an issue, will immediately conclude that those of use who are skeptical of both sides are somehow allied to the other side.

Do you see an urban vs rural difference?
indeed, the countryside in europe is still pleasant given that you speak the local language.
guys while you are talking about how scary and bad "rotten EUSSR" is, people in Hong Kong who were working all their life for 60 years are living in cages of 4sqm size (not 14sqm! 4!) packed like chicken. and these are lawyers, doctors, engineers, businessmen, whatnot. capitalism also has to be built correctly and managed, anything can be screwed, democracy can be screwed, communism, capitalism, people in charge somehow are experts in how to screw up any system and make citizens suffer.... EU is a good place, compared to so many countries on Earth, if we look realistically and compare the daily life and access to services/food/water/living space. Yes, you might say the fact that EU is only good because people have food and living space, is already too bad for Europe but life is tough everywhere, and US/EU aren't that bad, it's the best we have. So what if the best we have is shitty, that's reality, we live in a physical world with endless problems everywhere, a perfect country is only in the dreams (that's why everyone likes the idea of metaverse and hooked on MMOs, to at least live in a perfect world online for part of the daily life).
whats hk have to do with it? They have strong controlled building rules. Thats why it has so much empty space.
Only the free market works well in hk.
whats hk have to do with it? They have strong controlled building rules. Thats why it has so much empty space.
Only the free market works well in hk.
it's in contrast to what people consider "bad life" in EU, because of high taxes and socialist structure. as a reminder that there are many places in the world where people barely survive even if they worked all their life. so Europe is not a bad place to be. It is a perspective to think about, in contrast of the topic starter who mentioned the impression from EU as "Taxed to death, highly bureaucratic, entrepreneurial spirit destroyed, handouts to the undeserving and so on." . it's not that bad, offer these people who don't understand how they got to a cage living in their 60s-70s after life of hard work, the conditions in Europe, they'll be happy to swap any day and start over their life from beginning, but in a socialist country .

whats hk have to do with it? They have strong controlled building rules. Thats why it has so much empty space.
Only the free market works well in hk.
btw the controlled building rules are not for having the free space and parks, it's the main revenue for the government because it leases all lands to those skyscrapers and condominiums, as main income for them, so land must remain as expensive as possible, otherwise they'll need to impose taxes on something else in order to keep the machine running. The tax here is simply shifted into real estate 'extra' unnecessary exorbitant costs, but technically it's just a 'tax' for the government, so anyone renting/owning any real estate, basically pays its tax to HK by that (it's expensive, lease of land is always worth it for developers because apartments will sell for huge prices, so developers afford to pay the government sick lease prices on the land, that way the HK tax happens, just in "workaround way" through the real estate). Not saying it's a fact, but that's what I've read about why government must keep tight control of what lands they authorize for construction over time. Feel free to point me to another information if I'm wrong . But makes sense to me so far.
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The problem is that Europe used to be a nice place. The EU ruined it.

Finally someone gets it!

I've spent most of my life in Europe, it was perfect the way it was, life was easy, safe, and not expensive, then the EUSSR came into place, instantly everything became more expensive and it hasn't stopped since then, taxes started going through the roof, the endless bureaucracy became the norm, I can go on and on....

At the end of the day if you don't like the neighborhood where you are living, if your government keeps wasting your hard earned money, and you don't want to spend the rest of your life having to put up with so much nonsense, then just go somewhere else, so I finally left and I deeply regret it, I should have left sooner!!!!
My mom would be so proud of me, always ready for an adventure, thank God the world is a big place, no more sleeping pills since I left the EUSSR.

PS, at this rate China is going to end up being the leader of the free world
PS, at this rate China is going to end up being the leader of the free world
Sure thing, that's why every Chinese person with more than 200 dollars in his pocket is doing anything he can to escape.

is this forum slowly turning into russian propaganda ?
I agree and I suspect it's because a lot of the participants of the forum are originally Russian (for decades the nation with highest demand for 2nd passports and offshore accounts, alongside China)
Sure thing, that's why every Chinese person with more than 200 dollars in his pocket is doing anything he can to escape.

Damn, travel is dangerous these days. From the picture we can see that tens of thousands of millionaires disappear before reaching their new home
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