You could use the HK company as a means to establish HK tax residency, then form a LLP with you as a partner with 100% ownership and the HK company (or a dormant UK LTD) at 0%.
If you need a EU VAT ID you could use a Estonian OU to bill EU customers and take out a salary tax free.
In any case, if you constantly move and don't stay long enough in any place to trigger tax residency this setup will achieve 0% tax.
+ Avoid habitual abode, significant residential ties, home, and family members who are tax residents anywhere.
It is definitely possible. I know somebody who has done it for 15 years, circling between three countries while not paying a dime to any state authority.
It's tricky and risky, but you've got to play some tricks to avoid the (below) average life, and achieve milestones like getting yourself 50 cars, etc.
A safer approach is to have a tax residency in a zero-tax jurisdiction. There are also jurisdictions where you can retain legal residence but avoid tax residency.
This, of course, costs something, so to pile together enough money, it might be worth the attempt to pull off the perpetual traveller route and, after a while, establish tax residency in a 0% tax jurisdiction or in a jurisdiction where your income is not taxed.
It's, however not always feasible, depending on your citizenship and current circumstances.