Our valued sponsor

High Risk Payment Processor for IPTV, Replica and Gaming - Sort it out.

Sorry we are not up for hire! It's a pleasure to work hard and earn money into our corporation without any customers, clients or partners to interfere! We are doing good, we are working hard and we aim to go into the finest details.
It's a shame. I would be willing to pay you a full month hire for all your staff in order to help me that single month! Make up your mind again... I pay right upfront a full month!
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Reactions: burden
Thank you for contributing that much with your thread and of course your experience in the online industry. Your effort to help others and our self is much appreciated.

That said, I would like to know if you found any good payment processor for membership based / subscription sites considered high risk with low CB ratio below 0,5% ?
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I can do all on my own :) I'm a civil engineer so I have the ability to learn any subject quickly (not to brag just spiting facts), between the last interaction and now I've learned with 0 knowledge on :

-WordPress advanced website building & built my website that can compete easteticly with businesses that launched years ago in a matter of looks & performance (speed ) now learning SEO in courses (hacksnation & blackhat forum to boost my SEO)
-Found a clocking payment method just by extensive research in forums & even developed mine using coding (that i learned too)
-learned google ads & already have knowledge on Facebook ads due to my Cash on delivery previous business
So yes I can start iptv BTC with 500$ of investment (hosting + ads + panel credits) if only I find good hearted people willing to share valuable info and secrets that they think they will take with them in their graves knowing that the market is soo big the concurrence of few 1-3% of people dedicated to working won't affect them :) because not everyone is a doer
I'm sorry if my reaction was overpriced but i feel that you guys wanna keep many things secret in this forum to push people to buy memberships (kinda tricky a low marketing bars) whereas I prefer Alex hormozi way (giving value for free) eventually people will payback as an act of gratitude when the info will be really useful in their business and they will have decent net profit to payback the valuable info
So if you are willing to share info it would be much appreciable than undermining people :(
hey bro are you still here ? I wanna contact you
I can do all on my own :) I'm a civil engineer so I have the ability to learn any subject quickly (not to brag just spiting facts), between the last interaction and now I've learned with 0 knowledge on :

-WordPress advanced website building & built my website that can compete easteticly with businesses that launched years ago in a matter of looks & performance (speed ) now learning SEO in courses (hacksnation & blackhat forum to boost my SEO)
-Found a clocking payment method just by extensive research in forums & even developed mine using coding (that i learned too)
-learned google ads & already have knowledge on Facebook ads due to my Cash on delivery previous business
So yes I can start iptv BTC with 500$ of investment (hosting + ads + panel credits) if only I find good hearted people willing to share valuable info and secrets that they think they will take with them in their graves knowing that the market is soo big the concurrence of few 1-3% of people dedicated to working won't affect them :) because not everyone is a doer
I'm sorry if my reaction was overpriced but i feel that you guys wanna keep many things secret in this forum to push people to buy memberships (kinda tricky a low marketing bars) whereas I prefer Alex hormozi way (giving value for free) eventually people will payback as an act of gratitude when the info will be really useful in their business and they will have decent net profit to payback the valuable info
So if you are willing to share info it would be much appreciable than undermining people :(
If you are such a wise man, you should read the thread inside the mentor group gold. It is explaining everything nicely by OP - Hijacking her thread with self promotion don't bring you far on this forum. I assume you already experienced it!
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nice update, we need to know what business you have used for testing and where company is registered, please update your mentor group gold thread with missing info.
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